Married At Age 43 & Gave Birth At Age 63 – See Exactly How They Did It

Married At Age 43 & Gave Birth At Age 63 After Using Mega Fertility.

One of the most asked questions by couples who are waiting and believing in  God for the fruit of the womb but have been frustrated by the numerous trials and errors of using Fertility treatment is “will it work?” “Will this treatment work for me?” I am older, can this treatment work for me even though I have passed child bearing age?


They ask this questions because they have spent a lot of money and wasted a lot of time over the years trying to conceive and all their efforts seem wasted, therefore at a point they lose hope, concluding in their hearts that maybe “God has destined them to be barren” or their case is totally hopeless.


This has caused years of hopelessness, anxiety and crying themselves to sleep thinking that God has forgotten them.


The pressure becomes frustrating everyday seeing their friends give birth to children easily while they struggle spending their life savings just to have one child. 


When a woman desires a child it starts to take control of her life and to define her life.


You are constantly reminded of your childlessness.


You see your friends with kids. People talk about kids. You just keep being reminded.

In Africa you have the extra fear that your husband will take another wife.


A woman can go to almost any extent to get a child.

It is a deep pain. If you haven’t felt it you wouldn’t understand. 

You cry when your periods come.

You start hoping for the next circle for another chance. 


There are times you don’t even want to move around the time your period should come because you believe that maybe that way your period wouldn’t come.

You are afraid to tell.your husband that your period has come…


Now if you are reading this page and this seems like your current situation, don’t lose hope, because help is on the way.


In this post, I will share at least 25 testimonials of couples who were previously barren but used Mega Fertility complete special packages for couples and gave birth to twins, triplets even though doctors had written them off that it was biologically impossible to give birth to children.


Mega Fertility & Stallion manpower has been sold to over 2000 couples both in Nigeria and abroad and we have a very high success rate. 80% of couples who have used Mega Fertility have come back to testify about the effectiveness of the treatment.

Not only did they testify, they shared the gospel of Mega Fertility with their friends and loved ones looking for Children and they too bought and saw positive results.


So if you are doubting that Mega Fertility and Stallion Manpower is effective for helping couples conceive and give birth to children just read this amazing  testimonials below…,


Emeka Anyaegbunam from Nnewi, Anambra state and his wife have welcomed a set of triplets after 12 years of marriage

Members of the Anyaegbunam family who Notified Mega Fertility customer care and took to Facebook to announce the good news as well as thank God for his blessing. 


This couple used Mega Fertility & Stallion Manpower after the husband’s younger sister introduced it to them because they were struggling to conceive for 12 long years.


According to Emeka’s sister, Ngozi Gloria Maduabum, the children, all boys, were born on June 30, 2021.


“Here comes our wonderful, miraculous babies. (Three boys) God of wonders, I am still thanking you on behalf of my brother and his wife. Friends and family pls help us and continue to thank this our God o, cos who doesn’t know will not understand. Receive all the Glory God” she shared on Monday, July 5. 


On July 4, another sister, Chinenye Anyaegbuman Ewuzie, wrote: “There is nothing u cannot do protocol breaker, Jehovah overdo,I appreciate you for blessing my elder brother with triplets all boys,after so many years of waiting upon you,All we have to say is thank you Lord,” 


On Tuesday, July 6, Emeka’s younger brother, Ugochukwu Anyaegbunam, confirmed the good news. 




Triplets After 13 Years Of Barrenness. They Got Married In 2003.

God showed mercy to Reverend John Ezike a few days ago. In 2003, as a young graduate of Uniben serving his NYSC, God led him to marry his good and humble wife. 


But little did he know what would befall both of them. For 13 good years they waited, they cried, they were hopeless and sometimes dejected.

They tried many failed treatments. They had mental torture for they could not have a child in the marriage. But their faith in God and giving Mega Fertility the benefit of the doubt kept them hoping that one day God will answer their prayers.


God today in His faithfulness decided to bless them with their own triplet, two boys and a girl, after 13 years of waiting. Just thank this Great God for His goodness and mercy.

15 Years Of Barrenness Canceled After Using Mega Fertility & Stallion Manpower Which Was Introduced To Them By A Family Friend.

Couple identified as Mr & Mrs Otipkere has taken to social media sharing their testimony as they welcome triplets after 15 years of waiting. This is a miracle.


The couple is said to have been without a child of their own for 15 years, how painful it is. 15 years of name calling, crying and waiting. Finally the God of Overdo.. has visited them with multiple joy, triplets at once. 

A family friend who was very close to them and knew the trials and tribulations that they were going through, bought Mega Fertility and Stallion Manpower for them to use just for trial. They were not even expecting much from it because they had used so many things but to their surprise, God used Mega Fertility to work a miracle. This is a wonder working God. When he rises he nullifies doctors reports and makes impossibilities possible.


A family friend of Mrs Otipkere also took to social media sharing their testimony, in his words he wrote:


Congratulations to Deacon and Deaconess Temple Otikpere for God has blessed them with a set of Triplets after waiting on the Lord for 15 years, God is too faithful to fail. Thanks to Mega Fertility for allowing God use them to perform this miracle.


Couple Welcomes First Triplets In Family Lineage In Abia State.

The family of Engr. and Mrs. Nnaemeka Ezeanyagu has welcomed a set of triplets for the first time in his lineage.


His wife, Mrs. Ezeanyagu gave birth to two girls and a boy at about 2pm at Federal Medical Centre, FMC Umuahia.


Both mother and babies are in sound health condition.


Speaking with ABN TV on Tuesday, the excited father urged couples looking forward to the fruit of the womb to stick together and believe in God for His divine intervention. He encouraged them to never stop trying despite the temporary setbacks they experience.


“God answers prayers. He has His own way of doing things, our ways are not His ways, if you’re a married couple and yet to have babies, you need to go to the hospital and don’t despise herbal medicine, try new things like Mega Fertility and above all keep praying to God and stick together,” he advised.


Also speaking with ABN TV, the midwife on duty, Mrs. Chibuzo Ukanwa, said that since this year FMC Umuahia has delivered quintuplets, 4 sets of triplets, and many twins with most of them testifying that they used the herbal Mega Fertility and Stallion Manpower which gave them their long awaited breakthrough.


She expressed gratitude to God for the safe delivery of the babies.

Nigerian Couple Welcomes Quintuplets After Being Childless For 10 Years

Although she did not bargain for it, a woman who couldn’t conceive 10 years after marriage was shell-shocked as gets fruits of the womb five times in one fell- quintuplets in her first and only pregnancy in a decade. So, was the case of Mrs Ekpo Edet, a civil servant in Cross River State civil service, who recently gave birth to five bouncing babies consisting of three males and two females at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Calabar.


Despite the daunting challenge of nursing five babies in a harsh economy, the middle-aged mother and administrative officer had since accepted her fate, describing the babies as marvelous and precious gifts from God and a result of using a highly effective treatment like Mega Fertility.


Ekpo disclosed that she didn’t pray to have quintuplets, but has a family tree that has a record of a delivery of twin babies. She said at that conception she was only interested in having just a baby, and not babies, especially having been unable to have one after 10 years of marriage. She had earlier used Mega Fertility complete special package alongside her husband which made them “super-fertile”


However, after the successful delivery of her babies, Ekpo noted that she, alongside her husband, Dr. Edet Effiong Ekpo, had been full of praises to God Almighty for blessing them with a set of quintuplets, after waiting upon God over the past 10 years, amidst persecution from different quarters that demand a child from her.

She reaffirmed that the babies, who are now four months old, were a reward for her waiting upon God over the years, adding that it pays to be steadfast when trusting God for a child and using a treatment that is effective like Mega Fertility.


Mrs Ekpo told our correspondent that her greatest challenge in bringing up the babies at the moment was that of finance, but expressed confidence that God will always cater for them.

In view of the prevailing economic hardship and the enormous tasks of catering for the needs of five babies at a time, Ekpo doesn’t wish to have another set of quintuplets.

Couple Welcome Twins After 21 Years Of Childlessness

Couple welcomes twins after 21 years of childlessness – What a wonderful God.


A man identified as Justice Ondaipe alongside his wife has welcomed a set of twins after 21 years of childless marriage. They were the first set of couples who used Mega Fertility within its first year of coming to Nigeria.


Couple welcome twins after 21 years of childless Marriage


The woman gave birth to a boy and a girl respectively. However, the good news was shared by a relative identified as Faith Elvis Ovie, via her official Facebook account in which she congratulated the couple on the arrival of their newborn babies.


Couple welcome twins after 21 years of childless Marriage


She also gave thanks to God almighty for visiting them with double blessings.


Sharing the news, she wrote:


“Congratulations uncle, God is indeed wonderful. After 21 years of marriage God have put a smile on ur face. God even doubled it. Twins, a boy and a girl.”


Meet The Nigerian Woman Who Married At 43, Gave Birth At 60

Married At Age 43 & Gave Birth At Age 63 After Using Mega Fertility.

Paul and Tunrayo Alagbe were married on September 3, 1998 and had their first child on December 29, 2014. RITA OKONOBOH chronicles the couple’s journey through the years of trials to the unfolding of boundless blessings.


I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him (Psalm 40: 1-3).


The above Psalm verses aptly describe Mrs Tunrayo Alagbe’s testimony of the Lord’s goodness as she finally gave birth to a daughter at a few months shy of 60 years of age.


It was a sunny afternoon on Monday, January 5, 2015, and the atmosphere was radiantly purpled by the stylish outfits of many who had come to witness the naming ceremony of the lovely daughter of the Alagbes. The crowd was surprisingly large, even for the African setting, as many braced the burning rays beating down on the premises of the Women Missionary Union (WMU) headquarters of the Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC), Total Garden area, Ibadan, just to show their solidarity with the couple.


As the President of the NBC, Reverend Dr Supo Ayokunle, affirmed during his address at the naming ceremony, “This child has, from the beginning, started breaking records. I have never seen a naming ceremony that attracted this kind of crowd. Also, no naming ceremony has been conducted on the premises before now. This goes to show that God can do anything, anytime, anywhere and anyhow, pleasantly, for his own people. For those who wait upon God, it is never over until it is over. This is an occasion for us to understand that God’s ways are not our ways.”


The Retired Executive Director, Women Missionary Union, Nigeria, and a close friend of the family who anchored the naming of the baby, Reverend Mrs Yemi Ladokun, took the audience through the time of waiting. She showed to the crowd some flowers from the bouquet used during the wedding and stated that she had kept the flowers thinking she would use them during the year after the wedding during the naming ceremony of a child but she was wrong as she had to wait for almost 17 years.


The child was given close to 40 names including, Halleluyah, Testimony, Esther, Jesulayomi, Ileri-Ayo-Mi, OkikiJesu, Adepate, Oluwatoyin, Omoronike, Ibiyemi, Oluremi, Motunrayo, Mo-F’Oluwa-ke, Aderonke, Odunola, Eri-Ipe, Ewa-Iyin, Itan-iyanu-ife, IturaOluwa, Favour, Oluwadamilare, Titilayomi-niwaju-Oluwa, among other significant names.


‘A childless woman has no honour, no respect, no place’


Speaking with Sunday Tribune on the experience during the years of anxiety, Mrs Alagbe noted that the many years of worrying, coupled with the delay before marriage, contributed to making the experience quite worrying. According to her, “I wouldn’t say we were not worried, but God was comforting and encouraging us. Plus we also want to give credit to Mega Fertility Complete Special Package treatment that helped us achieve this imposible fit. It was not a pleasant experience at all. We experienced delay before marriage but this one was more excruciating. However, God sustained us.”


On the most nagging worry during the times of trial, the couple notes that the African tendency to look down on a childless couple was a constant source of concern. According to the mother, “In Africa, having children is very important. If you’re married and childless, it’s like you have no honor, no respect, no place. You’re nobody, so to speak.”


The father, Paul Alagbe, further stated that “She would sometimes say if she had known that it would be like this, she would not marry me as it seems like she is a problem to me.” His wife affirmed this by stating that “Medically, I was told he has no problem, but I was the one whose fallopian tubes were blocked. I felt like I was a burden to him, like I shouldn’t have come his way and instead allowed him to live his life.”


‘Childlessness does not mean you are married to the wrong person’

The president of the NBC, Reverend Ayokunle, who spoke on challenges and godly responses noted that nobility and godliness does not immune an individual from trials. According to him, “Childlessness is not a modern-day challenge. The fact that your family is childless does not mean you are married to the wrong person. Some couples who do not have the problem of childlessness have other problems. Would you rather exchange childlessness for blindness, for instance? A problem is a problem but God is always there.”


On her general outlook during the period of not knowing how things would turn out, Mrs Alagbe, whom many describe as cheerful, warm and always ready with a smile, narrated “I kept hoping. I cherished my personal relationship with God because I know that the day you die, this issue of having children no longer has meaning. So, I was jealously guarding my personal relationship with God, especially in relation to eternity. I tried to enjoy other things God has blessed me with. 


Although I was often disturbed by that one thing he had not done, I tried to enjoy what he had done and in my own little way, I served him, hoping He will do it. I thought that if He doesn’t do it, He knows why and knows how to sustain me. I lso never gave up. I kept trying any new treatment that came out. This was how I stumbled on Mega Fertility & also Stallion Manpower. I had a case of blocked fallopian tubes and this treatment was the one that God used to work the miracle of unblocking my fallopian tube at age 60. My husband also used Stallion Manpower which made his sperm fertile enough to get me pregnant. 


That’s also why I didn’t visit all sorts of places because I know that if I eventually get a child from the wrong source and I end up in hell, what use will it be? Besides, God encouraged me that He will do it and I trusted in His promise.”


‘There was pressure on me as the only surviving male to have a child’


Her husband, Mr Alagbe, was not also without his own troubles. According to him, he was constantly reminded about the need to take the alternative option by getting a second wife. This was further hinged on his position as the only surviving male child of his family. As Mr Alagbe puts it, “We were six in my family; four of them died and it was just me and my sister left. All my siblings who died did not have any children and there was pressure on me as the only surviving male to have a child. However, I was convinced by my faith not to do anything negative.”


God never comes too late –Mother


Mrs Alagbe, who started treatment with Mega Fertility in early 2014, was confirmed pregnant in April 2014 and the reaction of the couple when the news first broke is too much to sufficiently capture in words.


“I didn’t believe it. It didn’t have much meaning to me. It was like I was dreaming. However, as time went on, I saw it becoming a reality. I just kept thanking God because He said He will do it according to his promise in Psalm 40. I know that this miracle is for God’s name to be glorified and for the hope of people to be reawakened so that they believe that God still works miracles. God never comes too late,” Mrs Alagbe stated.


For Mr Alagbe, his reception of the good news was almost unbelievable. In his words, “It was like a dream. I kept asking myself if it was true.”


While echoing the joy of motherhood, Mrs Alagbe stated that “I just praise God. I’m delighted that God kept his word. In January 2013, there was a prophecy in our church that God will do it. Several people came to me and told me to hold on to that prophecy because it was for me. In addition to what others had been telling me, and the support I received, especially from my church, El-Shaddai Baptist Church, Pastor Mrs Olateju and many people, I am happy that God has been faithful to His word.”


‘You can still help people even in your own sorrow’


While acknowledging that going through childlessness is no trivial task, Mrs Alagbe advises couples in this situation to guard their relationship with God whatever the eventual outcome. As she points out, “Even if at the end of the day, God doesn’t do it, it is to the advantage of the couple. I reached that stage where I told God that if He doesn’t do it, I’m okay with His decision because He knows what is best for me.


 My advice is that they should hold on to God and ensure that their personal relationship with God stands. Pluss take chances with new treatments like Mega Fertility. They should also do other things to serve God because when you serve God, you are not likely to be too sorrowful and you’ll be happy to meet the needs of others and minister to people. Couples should not aimlessly trust God but anchor on a verse in the Bible and trust the eventual manifestation of God’s word. They should also help others. You can still help people even in your own sorrow. When you minister to the needs of people, your burden is lightened. The couple shouldn’t become so averse to others as if barrenness is the only problem in the world. Afterall, God has done other things that they can enjoy and appreciate. Let them hold on to God.”


Mr Alagbe, affirmed by friends and church members to be a friend of children and who also teaches children in the church, advises couples in the situation to ensure that they are not hostile to people, especially children, no matter how hard it seems.


Taking more wives is courting more problems –Father


In his advice for men who are currently undergoing the challenge of childlessness and who, like him, had been advised to take a second wife, Mr Alagbe encourages them to fear God, stating that “If they go for more wives, they are asking for more problems. The best thing is to hold on to God and see beyond the immediate situation. Right from time, I knew there was a problem but I also considered what the situation would be if I was the one who had the problem.”


The couple attempted to relive the priceless memory of viewing the child for the first time. For Mr Alagbe, “There was anxiety at the time of delivery. I read Tribune newspapers a lot and I had read something about a similar case in which the operation was not successful and I kept thinking about it. But when I saw the baby, I almost cried. I was very happy.”


For Mrs Alagbe, “I was just happy. I don’t know the words to use. I was excited. I was thrilled that the baby had come at last. I had her through Caesarian section at Vine Branch Medical Centre and at the theatre, when they told me ‘this is your baby; it’s a perfect baby,’ I wanted to scream and say ‘Wow! So this is what was in my womb!’ I lack words to explain. Even though I was in pains, I couldn’t sleep throughout that day. I was just looking at her and I kept saying to myself, ‘So this is you I have been waiting for. Where did you hide?’ I was really very happy.”


The President, Ibadan Baptist Conference, Reverend (Dr) Yemi Adekunle, in his prayers for the family, prayed that their faith remains unshaken and that God’s favour will radiate not just in the family but through all present.


For prayers, encouragement and for witnessing the ceremony, the Pastor, First Baptist Church, Ibafo, thanked and prayed for God’s blessings upon all.

If All These Miracles Can Happen For These Couples Then You Can Have Your Own Baby Too No Matter The Severity Of Your Case Or Your Age. All You Need To Do Is Give Mega Fertility Complete Male & Female Treatment A Chance

Hello Dr Firuza Parikh.… Nice to have you on this show. You’ve really been a blessing to Millions Of couples around the world. Can You Give Us A Brief Introduction About Yourself Ma?

Dr Firuza Parikh speaking to an audience of expectant couples.

Thanks alot for having me. I apologize that I’ve rescheduled this meeting several times but Thank God it’s happening at last. Without further ado, I’m Dr. Firuza Parikh “M.D., D.G.O., D.F.P., F.C.P.S., Dip. N.B.E. 29 years of experience in ART, IVF, ICSI, Sperm / Egg & Embryo Freezing, Donor Eggs, Surrogacy, Male Infertility. Pioneer in India for Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening.”


I’m also a fertility Consultant who’s on a mission to help couples beat all forms of infertility related issues across Asia and Africa, (Nigeria to be precise)

My area of expertise cuts across interest in ICSI, IMSI, Genetics, Pre-Implantation Genetics and Male & Female Infertility.

Over the past 20 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I have developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 35,000+ hours of nutritional & scientific expertise for male and female infertility for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful male and female infertility treatment system, which very few people even know exists…

My dream is to see millions of Asian & African  couples enjoying parenthood instead of suffering from the oppression & depressio that comes with being unable to conceive and give birth to a child of your own. And In the last one year, more than 1,976 people have keyed into this solution. And of course, we’ve HUNDREDS of Testimonies to show that this works LIKE CRAZY. Thanks.

Dr Firuza Parikh with some of her successful clients

Back in my home country, I have helped over 500 couples conceive and give birth to children ranging from twins to triplets.

Dr Firuza Parikh with a couple she helped conceive in the year 2021
Dr Firuza Parikh receing the "Best Fertility Consultant Award"

Hmm…Wow Doctor, Please Tell Us About The Formula You Have Been Using To Help Couples Fulfill Their Dreams Of Becoming A Parent.

Yes we have a tested and trusted formula that has been proven to help both men and women improve their fertility and conceive as fast as possible. Like you can see in the pictures above, the formula works well because it encapsulates all infertility issues. 

The complete dosage for the female treatment consists of 3 bottles of Mega Fertility Booster Herbal Mix

The complete dosage for the male infertility includes 3 bottles of Stallion Manpower which is formulated to improve the production, quality and quantity of sperm making it fertile enough to impregnate a woman.

What Makes Mega Fertility Different From Other Treatments Many Couples Have Used?

If you want a natural and inexpensive way to conceive, this is for you.

What’s great about this couple treatment is that you just take it on a daily basis, and it nourishes, detoxifies and revitalizes your reproductive system for easy and natural conception leading to childbirth in 2022.

As a woman, this treatment puts your body in the ideal condition for conception.

As a man Stallion Manpower helps nourish and revitalizes your sperm making it fertile enough to impregnate your wife.

Infact, it is so easy to use that all you need to do is swallow the capsules, sip the herbal mix and mix the herbal formula with your tea or water on a consistent and daily basis, in order for it to perform its wonders in your body.

Now how does Mega Fertility & Stallion Manpower work for easy conception and ultimately childbirth?

Naturally, as you age, so does your reproductive system age, even as a man and a woman.

That is why it is easier for a 20 year old girl to get pregnant compared to a 46-50 year old woman getting pregnant.

As your reproductive system ages, that’s when issues like ovarian disorder, sti & infections, Fallopian tube blockage/damage, low sperm count e.t.c begin to pop up.

It’s not your fault, this is just as a result of your reproductive organs aging. These issues can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyles and habits we have had in the past.

Now Mega Fertility complete special package for female and Stallion Manpower for male, contain “herbal reproductive stimulants” like chaste berry, black cohosh, and zingiber officinale that help nourish, detoxify and revitalizes your reproductive system, restoring it to factory settings, making it easy to conceive just like a 20 year old will easily do.

This happens no matter if you are above 40 and feeling like there is no hope.

What Results Can Be Expected From Taking This Treatment As A Couple?

Balance Your Hormones: The female fertility treatment contains a very powerful herb called “Chaste Berry”

Also known as Agnus Castus, chaste berry regulates hormone imbalances. On a small scale, it helped women to get pregnant, but not in a large controlled environment. At the very least, chaste berries help

 to regulate your natural cycle, and that’s always good for baby-making.

Helps Protect Sperm As They Make Their Way To Fertilize The Egg.

The female fertility treatment contains Evening Primrose Oil In addition to relieving your period symptoms, primrose oil helps you to produce good, fertile cervical fluid. This extra layer helps to protect the little swimmers as they make their way to the egg, leaving a greater chance of fertilization. It’s safe to use from your period to ovulation.

Improved Production Of Cervical Fluid: Mega Fertility female treatment is infused with Red Clover which helps with improved circulatory functioning is excellent for both your ovaries and uterus, as they need healthy blood flow in order to work at their peak. Because it improves circulation, red clover can also help promote more, and more fertile, cervical fluid.

Increases Sperm Count & Motility In Men. Stallion Manpower which is the male treatment contains the highly effective Maca Root. In men with mild erectile dysfunction, taking 2.4 grams of dried maca root for 12 weeks slightly improved self-reported erectile function and sexual well-being ( 49 ). Taking 1.75 grams of maca root powder every day for 3 months also increased sperm count and motility in healthy men ( 50 ).

What Are The Added Benefits Of Using This Treatment Together As A Couple?

Shrinks Fibroids that Prevent You From Conceiving Or Carrying A Pregnancy To Full Term Succesfully

At least 10 women have testified that once they began using this fertility aid for at least 90 days, they began to experience shrinking and dropping of Fibroids that had been growing for 2 years and above.

This is because this Mega Fertility Complete Package contains Fibroid shrinking herbs that can help women shrink long standing fibroid that prevents conception and childbirth. Below are whatsapp messages sent to us from customers who used it and saw Fibroid shrink.

It Corrects Hormonal Imbalance In Your Body Both For Male & Female That Might Prevent Pregnancy

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package  will help your body balance the hormones needed to help fertilize the eggs and turn it into an uterus fast.

With this, hormonal imbalance will be over and your body will be conducive enough to carry a baby in the next 9 months

If the hormonal imbalance is being caused by being overweight, this “Mega Fertility Complete Package” will help shed excess and useless body fat.

Contains A Powerful Herb That Corrects Irregular Menstruation & Menstrual Disorders

Are you experiencing irregular menstruation, scanty menses or any form of menstrual disorder?

If yes, then this package is for you because it contains a powerful herb called Ligusticum Wallichi which is a powerful herb, scientifically proven to take care of all these issues.

When you begin to use this tea, you will notice that your menses will flow regularly and this will boost your chances of getting pregnant within the next 9 months.

Increases The Quality And Quantity Of Cervical Fluid for Conception

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package) is packed with Vitamin A which helps your body produce the right amount of cervical fluid that nourishes the sperm making it live longer to fertilize the ovaries and form the foetus.

With this every sperm your husband is releasing inside you will become extra fertile enough to form a baby NO NEED FOR IVF SO STOP RISKING YOUR MONEY

Helps Your Baby Grow Healthy Right From Conception So You Can Give Birth To A Baby Without Deformities Or Complications

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package) is packed with Vitamin A which helps your body produce the right amount of cervical fluid that nourishes the sperm making it live longer to fertilize the ovaries and form the foetus.

With this every sperm your husband is releasing inside you will become extra fertile enough to form a baby NO NEED FOR IVF SO STOP WASTING YOUR MONEY

Increases Your Ovulation And Boosts Your Overall Fertility By Improving Your Chances Of Conception In 2023.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package is also packed with Vitamin-D which is called “The Sunshine” vitamins which will help your body create the sex hormones which regulate ovulation and hormonal balance.

With this vitamins, the more you ovulate in a healthy way, the more your chances of getting pregnant with every sexual intercourse you have with your husband becomes very high.

Kills Infection That Causes Infertility From The Roots

Is infection preventing you from conceiving? Not worry because this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains natural herbs and oils that fights any form of infection like Chlamydia,  from the roots.

That means, its fights it to the last and they will never resurface again in the future.


Helps Repair Damaged & Ovaries Unblocks Fallopian Tube

Is infection preventing you from conceiving? Not worry because this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains natural herbs and oils that fights any form of infection like Chlamydia,  from the roots.

That means, its fights it to the last and they will never resurface again in the future.


Helps To Boost & Keep Your Husbands Sperm Alive For Several Days After Ejaculation.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package is packed with Sperm Booster Goji which will help  regulate the production of cervical mucus, which is important for conception, due to the importance of its ability to keep sperm alive for several days.

Improves The Thickness Of Your Uterus Preventing Premature Childbirth.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains Angelica Sinensis a powerful herb which will help improve the thickness of your uterus by 8mm preventing it from breaking and making you go through Premature Childbirth.

A study published by Fertility and Sterility in April, 2010, showed that Angelica Sinensis supplementation may aid fertility by increasing the thickness of the uterine lining in women with uterine linings of less than 8mm.

It is also important during gestation for the developing foetus and has been shown to help prevent premature rupture of the membranes (amniotic sac) in pregnancy.

Normalizes Irregular Menstrual Cycle & Eases Menstrual Pain

This Mega Fertility  contains Lepidium Sativum The phytochemicals present in aliv seeds are similar to the estrogen hormone that plays a vital role in the female body and helps normalize irregular menstrual cycles. The seeds are also beneficial to women who are trying to get pregnant as they can improve fertility

Increases Female Libido

This Mega Fertility   contains Aframomum Malegueta  works on women’s libido and make women senses more sensitive to the touch. Regulates lubrication. Increases sexual desire in less than 72 hours.”

Helps In General Body Detoxification & Weightloss.

If being overweight or an infection is causing you not to be able to conceive, the Mega Fertility contains a detoxifying herb called Sena Alexandrina that helps with weight loss and getting rid of infections that cause infertility.

Fertility is a concern for many couples who want to become parents. Herbs can be of use in increasing the fertility of both men and women.

This  is made of these Organic and Wild-crafted best herbs for increasing fertility, which include Angelica, Tribulus, Red Clover, Siberian Ginseng, Maca, Wild Yam, Damiana, False Unicorn and Saw Palmetto. 

Mega Fertility a Booster  is a potent, safe, and fertility-enhancing.

It supports overall reproductive health and improves sexual health, by enhancing the vitality of men and women.

For women,

  • It encourages hormonal balance, ovarian function, egg quality and menstrual cycle regularly.
  • It also regulate fertility quality Cervical Mucus production and optimizes your chances of conceiving.
  • For men, it provides additional vitamins, antioxidants enhances male fertility and sexual vitality.
  • Helps to improves sperm count, motility and morphology.
    Mega Fertility Herbal Formula is a potent, safe, and fertility-enhancing. It supports overall reproductive health and improves sexual health, by enhancing the vitality of men and women.
  • This is made of these Organic and Wild-crafted best herbs for increasing fertility, which include Angelica, Tribulus, Red Clover, Siberian Ginseng, Maca, Wild Yam, Damiana, False Unicorn and Saw Palmetto. 

Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix For Men

Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix is fortified “Herbal Reproductive Stimulants” that can boost the quantity and quality of the sperm a man produces. That means once you take this treatment consistently, you say goodbye to everything low sperm count, or dead sperm cell. It also helps men perform better in bed.

Increases Your Libido Putting Your Body In The Mood For Explosive Sex So You Can Have Sex With Your Wife Till She Conceives A Baby.

To be able to get a woman pregnant, you have to have consistent sex with her without condoms, and to do this consistently, you have to put your body in the mood for sex every time. This is where Stallion Manpower Booster mix can help. It would make sure you are always horny so that having sex with your wife will no longer be like work but something you really want to do.

Increases The Male Body's Production Of Sperm That Is Quality Enough To Make A Woman Pregnant FAST.

For fast pregnancy in 2023, your body as a man needs to produce high quality sperm in large quantity that would be sufficient enough to impregnate your wife. Stallion Manpower contains “Herbal Reproductive Stimulants that stimulate your body’s production of sperm for fast pregnancy.

Herb That Gives You Hard Erections Especially for Men Above The Age Of 40

As a man ages, so does his reproductive system ages. With this you will discover that above age 40, you cannot hold a solid erection that will help you have satisfying sex with your wife like you used to before. Now instead of taking toxic chemicals that can give you cardiac arrest, Stallion Manpower has Cinnamon herbs that will stimulate blood flow to your penis giving you solid erections for an extended period of time.

80% Of Men Who Used The Full Complete Special Package Of Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix Have Always Called Us Back To Confirm That Their Wives Have Taken In

How Does The Online Sale Work?

Basically depending on your country, this interview will be transcribed to your local languages and official prices will be displayed in the local currency.

Now to save users the long waiting time in shipping from India to their respective countries,

We have partnered with our sole distributor currently which is Mega Life Global Solutions , which has presence in over 36 countries of the world…

And shipped this treatment directly to their store front.

So you can be rest assured that as long as this interview displays in you local language and the price in your local currency,

This treatment will be available for delivery within 24-48hours.


Amazing! So This Part We Have Confirmed… But For The Sake Of Concerned Readers, Could You Let Them Know What Medical Certification This Treatment Possesses?

Most definitely…

This treatment is classified Safe for Consumption and holds 4 world recognised certification from…



Time Waits For No Man, The More You Doubt, The More Other Couples Are Rushing To Get Their Own Testimonies. Mind You, You Cannot Buy Biological Children From The Market. The Older You Get The Lower The Chances Of You Being Able To Conceive So Why Not Make The Decision Now, Instead Of You Procrastinating & Awaiting For Tomorrow Which Might Be Too Late

The Complete Dosage For Both Male & Female Is 3 Bottles Of Mega Fertility Fertility Booster Herbal Mix & 3 Bottles Of Stallion Manpower

As you can see, these are regular couples like you and I who decided to take  they wanted

Give this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus Stallion Manpower Booster a chance by trying it out. Trust me they tried everything possible, from visiting Pastors, Imams and some even visited Babalawo for a solution yet they found non until this Fertility Complete Special Package helped them become joyful mothers and fathers of children.

There are so many testimonies I would have posted here but I won’t due to time.

What Would It Take To Get This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” That Will Prepare Your Body For Conception & Make You Get Pregnant In 2023.

I can’t begin to tell you how many couples spent over N1,500,000 for IVF went down the drain because the procedure didnt work.

Due to many companies promising heaven on earth on something that didn’t even give any result.

Mega Fertility Complete Special package is cheap when compared to the amount that many couples are spending on fertility treatments and procedure that don’t work. The average cost of IVF in Nigeria is N1,400,000

But With This Fertility Complete Special Package” That Will Prepare Your Body For Conception & Make You Get Pregnant In 2023, You Don't Need To Spend That Much To Conceive & Give birth.

I’ve been there and I know how it feels.

Please note that I’m only passionate about recommending this new remedy that worked for me and several other Nigerian couples that I know because I know it is not easy to deal with the emotional pain of infertility every day.

I know that it can destroy a marriage if not taken care of.

Using Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus Stallion Manpower  will change your story positively.

-You will get to experience the miracle of carrying a child in your womb for 9 months even if doctors and specialists say its impossible.

-The tension, fear, and pressure you feel in your marriage as a couple will stop by the time your bundle of joy arrives and you are sharing your testimony with us and in your church.

-Constant spending on infertility treatments will be finally over so you can concentrate on raising your child. 

-You’ll become the envy and a source of hope and faith for other couples that are praying to God for the fruit of the womb.

Think about this and ask yourself what will be the fair price to get this all very powerful Mega Fertility Complete Special Package?

I pleaded with the company to reduce the price for us in Nigeria, but he was very adamant because he said the ingredients are very scarce. 

After much back and forth with a lot of begging, He decided to send 180 bottles of this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus Stallion Manpower for just 45 people at a discounted price. 

14 people have bought the complete combo already, so they have just 31 orders left. 

If you want to be part of the next set of lucky couples to conceive in 2022, I want to send you Mega Fertility & Stallion Manpower today.

The price is just N80,000 for Mega Fertility special package and N60,000 for Stallion Manpower which includes free shipping to your house or office.

Right below this post you will see a whatsapp button that says “yes I want this treatment”.

Click on it, make your payment either by cash or transfer, send us a screen shot and tell us where exactly you want us to send this package to.


Now you know the Bible says faith without works is dead. It is not enough to believe that you will get pregnant in 2022 as a couple.

You also have to take the necessary actions that will make your faith of conceiving your own children in 2022 come to reality.

So here’s why you should enrol today, to prove to yourself, your family and God that you believe and are really serious about becoming a parent in 2022.

Take action now.

Sure you have a choice of procrastinating or ignoring this, but what will it get you?

Another year gone, yet no child of your own. Imagine old age coming and there’s no one to take care of you.

The more you procrastinate, the more you enter into irreversible menopause, at that stage no prophet will be able to save you because it’s just nature taking its cause.

The more you procrastinate, the more you put yourself at risk of losing your home to infertility. I pray this will not be your portion.

This treatment is for serious couples who want to conceive and see results in the year 2022 and also have the faith that it will work.



Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a bay girl if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a sceret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a girl naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive a baby girl fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.


Having a bbay boy can be a blessing to a new couple because you now have an heir and someone to carry the family name. Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a baby boy if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a secret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a boy naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive a baby girl fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.


Having a set of beautiful twins, either same gender or different gender can be source of joy for any couple. Most of the customers who used Mega Fertility Complete Special Package had twins. Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a healthy set of twins if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a secret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a healthy set of twins  naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive twins fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.

Now, I’m sure you will be asking yourself “What if I buy this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus Stallion Manpowerand it does not work? What if I don’t get pregnant? 

I understand how you feel, in fact, I felt the same way too the day this product was introduced to me but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and today, I am enjoying my new baby boy. People now call me Iya-Ibeji and I have peace of mind.

My dear, you don’t need to be afraid. If you buy this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package and you do not see any results whatsoever, the sellers are willing to give you back your money 100% guaranteed.

They are so confident about the effectiveness of this solution and they also offered me 100% money back guarantee too. They will refund it to you, even though you have used the product.

But This Will Not Last Forever.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Yesterday I contacted the seller to tell him that I want to do a testimonial write-up for him, and he informed me that there are just 32 pieces remaining because last week, tey had over 2000 orders


So at the time of this writing, we have just 32 pieces remaining. 


Every minute you delay may mean another serious *MOTHER TO-BE* is picking your own…


I wouldn’t want to tell you to hurry, but if you need the cry of a baby in your house, then you should have already placed the order by now

I know you want to see your baby bump and feel your baby kicking inside of you within now and the ending of this year. Therefore if you are that man or woman I am talking about, quickly pick the treatment that you want below, click on the “Yes I Want This Package.

Once you place your order you will receive a call from their assistant, to confirm the order. If you are in Lagos, you will get your the next day but if you are outside Lagos, expect your treatment in 3-5 working days.


complete female treatment

3 bottles of mega fetility booster herbal mix

promo price:


Normal PRICE = N95,000

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male treatment

3 bottles of Stallion Manpower herbal mix

promo price:


Normal PRICE = N75,000

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male & female treatment

3 bottles of mega fertility herbal mix & 3 bottles of Stallion Manpower

(most ordered Over 2000 Orders)

promo price:


Normal PRICE = N140,000

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete COMBO 6 mONTHS eXTENSIVE tREATMENT (for couple


promo price:


Normal PRICE = N190,000

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

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