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A Must Read For Couples Who Don't Want To End 2024 Depressed, Sad & Asking God Deep Questions Due To Childlessness...AGAIN!

World Renowned Fertility Expert Motivated By The Rising Cases Of Infertility Among Couples Reveals The Hidden Truth About Conception & Child Birth.

Discover A No Fail & Guaranteed Approach For Getting Pregnant In 2024 & Fulfilling Your Dreams Of Becoming A Parent No Matter Your Age As A Couple Or The Negative Doctor’s Verdict!

Finally, I Was Privileged To Have An Interview With A World Renowned Fertility Consultant- Dr Firuza Parikh Who Has Helped Hundreds Of Couples Worldwide REVERSE All Types of Infertility Issues In The Last 29 Years…

Dr Firuza Parikh Speaking at the Fertiity Improvement seminar.

Due to the rising cases of infertility among couples, many men and women who are married for years without a child of their own, live in fear that they might one day leave this world without having a child of their own.


This wasn’t exactly what they planned for. 


Many got married with joyous hopes that within the first 5 years of marriage, they would have at least 2 kids to boast off but sadly an infertility issue creeps up, one year goes by, three years go by, five years go by and yet no issue.


At this point they panic and begin to look for a solution. This has led couples to using all manner of solutions and spending money without any tangible results.


These leaves couples, discouraged, bitter, pressurized and living in fear of childlessness.


I’ve received several calls from women crying bitterly on the phone about how this long standing issue of infertility has left them emotionally shattered with a marriage that is almost hitting the rocks because of inability to conceive.


If you are that man or woman that falls into this category, this interview is for you.


I have scheduled this interview with a world renowned fertility consultant.

Dr Firuza Parikh being interviewed by the Indian Press.
Dr.Firuzah Receiving The Award For Best Fertility Specialist In India

After several cancellations because of her busy schedules, I was finally able to Meet Dr Firuza Parikh.


During The heat of the Pandemic, I was privileged to interview one of India’s Foremost Doctors who is helping couples around the world  Beat Infertility, no matter the age, no matter the root cause, no matter the final verdict of the doctor, 100% Without Any Side effects


If you go through this chat, You’ll learn alot about your infertility issue and also discover what exactly to take to solve it.. In Fact, I as the interviewer have been able to help my brother and his wife who had been unable to conceive for 20 years of marriage  just by following exactly what she is about to show you in this interview.

In fact, they gave birth to Sextuplets after taking her recommendation.

See their picture below.

Couple give birth to Sextuplets after following Dr Firuza Parikh recommendation.
Indian Couple Give Birth At Age 53 (Husband) & 51 (Wife) After Consistently Using The Complete Treatment Of Dr.Firuzah

The following article contains a short interview with Dr Firuza Parikh  on how she treated couples suffering from

Ovulation Disorder



Low Sperm Count

Azospermia & Oligospermia 

Fallopian tube Blockage

Endometrios & PCOS

Hormonal Imbalance etc.

The Real Truth Is Something Which Your Eyes Have Not Seen, Your Ears Have Not Heard

If you feel disappointed by that long standing infertility issue, then this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read…What Is Reveal Here Is What You Always Needed.

Hello Dr Firuza Parikh.… Nice to have you on this show. You’ve really been a blessing to Millions Of couples around the world. Can You Give Us A Brief Introduction About Yourself Ma?

Dr Firuza Parikh speaking to an audience of expectant couples.

Thanks alot for having me. I apologize that I’ve rescheduled this meeting several times but Thank God it’s happening at last. Without further ado, I’m Dr. Firuza Parikh “M.D., D.G.O., D.F.P., F.C.P.S., Dip. N.B.E. 29 years of experience in ART, IVF, ICSI, Sperm / Egg & Embryo Freezing, Donor Eggs, Surrogacy, Male Infertility. Pioneer in India for Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening.”


I’m also a fertility Consultant who’s on a mission to help couples beat all forms of infertility related issues across Asia and Africa, (Ghana to be precise)

My area of expertise cuts across interest in ICSI, IMSI, Genetics, Pre-Implantation Genetics and Male & Female Infertility.

Over the past 20 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I have developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 35,000+ hours of nutritional & scientific expertise for male and female infertility for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful male and female infertility treatment system, which very few people even know exists…

My dream is to see millions of Asian & African  couples enjoying parenthood instead of suffering from the oppression & depressio that comes with being unable to conceive and give birth to a child of your own. And In the last one year, more than 1,976 people have keyed into this solution. And of course, we’ve HUNDREDS of Testimonies to show that this works LIKE CRAZY. Thanks.

Dr Firuza Parikh with some of her successful clients

Back in my home country, I have helped over 500 couples conceive and give birth to children ranging from twins to triplets.

Dr Firuza Parikh with couples she has helped fulfill their dreams of becoming parent
Dr Firuza Parikh with a couple she helped conceive in the year 2021
Dr Firuza Parikh receing the "Best Fertility Consultant Award"

What Do You Think Is The Root Cause Of Infertility In Couples?

Infertility in couples can be very complicated in the sense that it can be caused by a myriad of factors, but to break it down in layman’s language so that everyone can understand, I will explain in summary.

Let me tell you about what causes Infertility In Men

  • Abnormal sperm production or function due to undescended testicles, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes, or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps or HIV. Enlarged veins in the testes (varicocele) also can affect the ability of the reproductive organs to produce sperm.
  • Problems with the delivery of sperm due to sexual problems, such as premature ejaculation; certain genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis; structural problems, such as a blockage in the testicle; or damage or injury to the reproductive organs.
  • Overexposure to certain environmental factors, such as pesticides and other chemicals, and radiation. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, marijuana, anabolic steroids, and taking medications to treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure and depression also can affect fertility. Frequent exposure to heat, such as in saunas or hot tubs, can raise body temperature and may affect sperm production.
  • Damage related to cancer and its treatment, including radiation or chemotherapy. Treatment for cancer can impair sperm production, sometimes severely.

Now knowing what exactly causes infertility in men, let me explain the factors that cause infertility in females.

Causes of female infertility may include:

  • Ovulation disorders, which affect the release of eggs from the ovaries. These include hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Hyperprolactinemia, a condition in which you have too much prolactin — the hormone that stimulates breast milk production — also may interfere with ovulation. Either too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) can affect the menstrual cycle or cause infertility. Other underlying causes may include too much exercise, eating disorders or tumors.
  • Uterine or cervical abnormalities, including abnormalities with the cervix, polyps in the uterus or the shape of the uterus. Noncancerous (benign) tumors in the uterine wall (uterine fibroids) may cause infertility by blocking the fallopian tubes or stopping a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
  • Fallopian tube damage or blockage, often caused by inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis). This can result from pelvic inflammatory disease, which is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection, endometriosis or adhesions.
  • Endometriosis, which occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, may affect the function of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause), when the ovaries stop working and menstruation ends before age 40. Although the cause is often unknown, certain factors are associated with early menopause, including immune system diseases, certain genetic conditions such as Turner syndrome or carriers of Fragile X syndrome, and radiation or chemotherapy treatment.
  • Pelvic adhesions, bands of scar tissue that bind organs that can form after pelvic infection, appendicitis, endometriosis or abdominal or pelvic surgery.
  • Cancer and its treatment. Certain cancers — particularly reproductive cancers — often impair female fertility. Both radiation and chemotherapy may affect fertility.

This Is A Very Insightful Doctor. What Are The Risk Factors That Can Make A Couple Develop Infertility Issues Over The Years?

Many of the risk factors for both male and female infertility are the same. They include:

  • Age. Women’s fertility gradually declines with age, especially in the mid-30s, and it drops rapidly after age 37. Infertility in older women is likely due to the lower number and quality of eggs, and can also be due to health problems that affect fertility. Men over age 40 may be less fertile than younger men.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking tobacco or marijuana by either partner may reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. Smoking also reduces the possible effectiveness of fertility treatment. Miscarriages are more frequent in women who smoke. Smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and a low sperm count in men.
  • Alcohol use. For women, there’s no safe level of alcohol use during conception or pregnancy. Alcohol use may contribute to infertility. For men, heavy alcohol use can decrease sperm count and motility.
  • Being overweight. Among American women, an inactive lifestyle and being overweight may increase the risk of infertility. For men, sperm count also may be affected by being overweight.
  • Being underweight. Women at risk of fertility problems include those with eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, and those who follow a very low-calorie or restrictive diet.
  • Exercise issues. A lack of exercise contributes to obesity, which increases the risk of infertility. Less often, ovulation problems may be associated with frequent strenuous, intense exercise in women who are not overweight.


Great Information. So How Is A Couple Diagnosed With Infertility?

Great question. Generally speaking, if you have been having unprotected sex for over 2 years without any conception then you suffer from an infertility issue. The diagnosis for men and women is quite different but for the sake of giving value in this interview, I will explain.

Tests for men

Male fertility requires that the testicles produce enough healthy sperm, and that the sperm is ejaculated effectively into the vagina and travels to the egg. Tests for male infertility attempt to determine whether any of these processes are impaired.

You may have a general physical exam, including examination of your genitals. Specific fertility tests may include:

  • Semen analysis. Your doctor may ask for one or more semen specimens. Semen is generally obtained by masturbating or by interrupting intercourse and ejaculating your semen into a clean container. A lab analyzes your semen specimen. In some cases, urine may be tested for the presence of sperm.
  • Hormone testing. You may have a blood test to determine your level of testosterone and other male hormones.
  • Genetic testing. Genetic testing may be done to determine whether there’s a genetic defect causing infertility.
  • Testicular biopsy. In select cases, a testicular biopsy may be performed to identify abnormalities contributing to infertility or to retrieve sperm for assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF.
  • Imaging. In certain situations, imaging studies such as a brain MRI, transrectal or scrotal ultrasound, or a test of the vas deferens (vasography) may be performed.
  • Other specialty testing. In rare cases, other tests to evaluate the quality of the sperm may be performed, such as evaluating a semen specimen for DNA abnormalities.

Testing For Women Infertility

Fertility for women relies on the ovaries releasing healthy eggs. The reproductive tract must allow an egg to pass into the fallopian tubes and join with sperm for fertilization. The fertilized egg must travel to the uterus and implant in the lining. Tests for female infertility try to find out if any of these processes are impaired.

You may have a general physical exam, including a regular gynecological exam. Specific fertility tests may include:

  • Ovulation testing. A blood test measures hormone levels to determine whether you’re ovulating.
  • Hysterosalpingography. Hysterosalpingography (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-fee) evaluates the condition of your uterus and fallopian tubes and looks for blockages or other problems. X-ray contrast is injected into your uterus, and an X-ray is taken to determine if the cavity is normal and to see if the fluid spills out of your fallopian tubes.
  • Ovarian reserve testing. This testing helps determine the quantity of the eggs available for ovulation. This approach often begins with hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle.
  • Other hormone testing. Other hormone tests check levels of ovulatory hormones, as well as pituitary hormones that control reproductive processes.
  • Imaging tests. Pelvic ultrasound looks for uterine or ovarian disease. Sometimes a sonohysterogram, also called a saline infusion sonogram, is used to see details inside the uterus that are not seen on a regular ultrasound.

Depending on your situation, rarely your testing may include:

  • Hysteroscopy. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may request a hysteroscopy to look for uterine disease. During the procedure, your doctor inserts a thin, lighted device through your cervix into your uterus to view any potential abnormalities.
  • Laparoscopy. This minimally invasive surgery involves making a small incision beneath your navel and inserting a thin viewing device to examine your fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. A laparoscopy may identify endometriosis, scarring, blockages or irregularities of the fallopian tubes, and problems with the ovaries and uterus.

Not everyone needs to have all, or even many, of these tests before the cause of infertility is found. You and your doctor will decide which tests you will have and when.

How Does Infertility Affect Relationships?

There’s no denying the fact that infertility can take a major toll on your mental and physical health.

The hormones, the disappointment, the needles and tests all impact your well-being. There is no way to describe the overwhelming pain associated with trying — and failing — to build a new life and new family with your bundle of joy.

But what is less often talked about is the impact infertility can have on the current relationships in your life.


Trusted Source

 suggests that infertility is often a very lonely experience, a fact that is only made worse by the drastic shifts it causes in your existing relationships. Shame, embarrassment, and stigma all have effects. Financial strain, lack of communication, and contradictory coping strategies can all amount to major rifts between you and the loved ones in your life.

Of course, your experience may differ depending on your unique circumstances. Still, there are a few common themes infertility warriors talk about that make an already lonely road feel even more barren.

How Does Infertility Affect Relationships?

There’s no denying the fact that infertility can take a major toll on your mental and physical health.

The hormones, the disappointment, the needles and tests all impact your well-being. There is no way to describe the overwhelming pain associated with trying — and failing — to build a new life and new family with your bundle of joy.

But what is less often talked about is the impact infertility can have on the current relationships in your life.


Trusted Source

 suggests that infertility is often a very lonely experience, a fact that is only made worse by the drastic shifts it causes in your existing relationships. Shame, embarrassment, and stigma all have effects. Financial strain, lack of communication, and contradictory coping strategies can all amount to major rifts between you and the loved ones in your life.

Of course, your experience may differ depending on your unique circumstances. Still, there are a few common themes infertility warriors talk about that make an already lonely road feel even more barren.

Infertility and romantic relationships

Nothing kills the love-making mood better than the military-like monthly schedule of timed sex. Then, heartbreaking disappointment and knowing that you’ll have to do it all again in just a few short weeks adds to the stress.

Not surprisingly, one study from 2004 found that men in infertile couples tended to experience less satisfaction in the bedroom. This is likely because of the mental pressure to perform every month. 

The same study also found that women often reported less satisfaction with their marriages. In same-sex couples, even though sex is not the means of conception, stress from the assisted reproductive technology (ART) process alone may cause problems with intimacy.

Also, a lot of negative emotion is dumped onto partners. Other problems in our lives might be shared between best friend gossip-fests, water cooler chit-chats, and family vent sessions. But many couples choose to keep their infertility struggles a secret. The result is a lot of pressure on one person for support.

In most couples, individuals cope with disappointment and sadness in different ways. You may end up feeling resentful when your partner accuses you of “overreacting” or “catastrophizing.”

Meanwhile you might feel like your partner “doesn’t care enough.” Or, you may have a partner who responds to your sadness by trying to “fix” the unfixable. Maybe all you really want is for them to sit with you in your sadness and understand.

Blame and resentment can easily affect couples going through fertility treatment. If you’re a woman undergoing invasive fertility treatments as a result of male factor infertility, you might feel resentment after every injection, blood draw, or negative pregnancy test. 

Or, if the treatments are the result of your own diagnosis, you might feel blamed for your body’s “dysfunction.”


What Is Your Take About Couples Going For IVF?

With IVF comes the financial strain. Treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) usually cost about $15,000 or more for a basic cycle with medication, according to Planned Parenthood. And each cycle of ART only offers a 21 percent

chance of a “normal” birth for women under 35. A “normal” birth is a full-term pregnancy resulting in a single live birth of a baby with a healthy weight.

Success rates can vary significantly depending on the conceiving person’s age, the infertility diagnosis, the lab used, and the clinic. Couples often have to refinance their house, take out loans, and stretch themselves very thin to pay for treatments.

And, still, there is no promise you will see a baby in the end. If treatment doesn’t work, the loss can be even more significant. One 2014 study of nearly 48,000 women suggests that couples who are unsuccessful in their fertility treatments are up to three times more likely to end their relationship.

Hmm…Wow Doctor, Please Tell Us About The Formula You Have Been Using To Help Couples Fulfill Their Dreams Of Becoming A Parent.

Yes we have a tested and trusted formula that has been proven to help both men and women improve their fertility and conceive as fast as possible. Like you can see in the pictures above, the formula works well because it encapsulates all infertility issues. 

The complete dosage for the female treatment consists of 3 bottles of Mega Fertility Booster Herbal Mix

What Makes Mega Fertility Different From Other Treatments Many Couples Have Used?

If you want a natural and inexpensive way to conceive, this is for you.

What’s great about this couple treatment is that you just take it on a daily basis, and it nourishes, detoxifies and revitalizes your reproductive system for easy and natural conception leading to childbirth in 2024.

As a woman, this treatment puts your body in the ideal condition for conception.

Infact, it is so easy to use that all you need to do is swallow the capsules, sip the herbal mix and mix the herbal formula with your tea or water on a consistent and daily basis, in order for it to perform its wonders in your body.

Now how does Mega Fertility work for easy conception and ultimately childbirth?

Naturally, as you age, so does your reproductive system age, even as a man and a woman.

That is why it is easier for a 20 year old girl to get pregnant compared to a 46-50 year old woman getting pregnant.

As your reproductive system ages, that’s when issues like ovarian disorder, sti & infections, Fallopian tube blockage/damage, low sperm count e.t.c begin to pop up.

It’s not your fault, this is just as a result of your reproductive organs aging. These issues can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyles and habits we have had in the past.

Now Mega Fertility complete special package for female  contain “herbal reproductive stimulants” like chaste berry, black cohosh, and zingiber officinale that help nourish, detoxify and revitalizes your reproductive system, restoring it to factory settings, making it easy to conceive just like a 20 year old will easily do.

This happens no matter if you are above 40 and feeling like there is no hope.

What Results Can Be Expected From Taking This Treatment As A Couple?

Balance Your Hormones: The female fertility treatment contains a very powerful herb called “Chaste Berry”

Also known as Agnus Castus, chaste berry regulates hormone imbalances. On a small scale, it helped women to get pregnant, but not in a large controlled environment. At the very least, chaste berries help

 to regulate your natural cycle, and that’s always good for baby-making.

Helps Protect Sperm As They Make Their Way To Fertilize The Egg.

The female fertility treatment contains Evening Primrose Oil In addition to relieving your period symptoms, primrose oil helps you to produce good, fertile cervical fluid. This extra layer helps to protect the little swimmers as they make their way to the egg, leaving a greater chance of fertilization. It’s safe to use from your period to ovulation.

Improved Production Of Cervical Fluid: Mega Fertility female treatment is infused with Red Clover which helps with improved circulatory functioning is excellent for both your ovaries and uterus, as they need healthy blood flow in order to work at their peak. Because it improves circulation, red clover can also help promote more, and more fertile, cervical fluid.

What Are The Added Benefits Of Using This Treatment Together As A Couple?

Shrinks Fibroids that Prevent You From Conceiving Or Carrying A Pregnancy To Full Term Succesfully

At least 10 women have testified that once they began using this fertility aid for at least 90 days, they began to experience shrinking and dropping of Fibroids that had been growing for 2 years and above.

This is because this Mega Fertility Complete Package contains Fibroid shrinking herbs that can help women shrink long standing fibroid that prevents conception and childbirth. Below are whatsapp messages sent to us from customers who used it and saw Fibroid shrink.

It Corrects Hormonal Imbalance In Your Body Both For Male & Female That Might Prevent Pregnancy

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package  will help your body balance the hormones needed to help fertilize the eggs and turn it into an uterus fast.

With this, hormonal imbalance will be over and your body will be conducive enough to carry a baby in the next 9 months

If the hormonal imbalance is being caused by being overweight, this “Mega Fertility Complete Package” will help shed excess and useless body fat.

Contains A Powerful Herb That Corrects Irregular Menstruation & Menstrual Disorders

Are you experiencing irregular menstruation, scanty menses or any form of menstrual disorder?

If yes, then this package is for you because it contains a powerful herb called Ligusticum Wallichi which is a powerful herb, scientifically proven to take care of all these issues.

When you begin to use this tea, you will notice that your menses will flow regularly and this will boost your chances of getting pregnant within the next 9 months.

Increases The Quality And Quantity Of Cervical Fluid for Conception

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package) is packed with Vitamin A which helps your body produce the right amount of cervical fluid that nourishes the sperm making it live longer to fertilize the ovaries and form the foetus.

With this every sperm your husband is releasing inside you will become extra fertile enough to form a baby NO NEED FOR IVF SO STOP RISKING YOUR MONEY

Helps Your Baby Grow Healthy Right From Conception So You Can Give Birth To A Baby Without Deformities Or Complications

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package) is packed with Vitamin A which helps your body produce the right amount of cervical fluid that nourishes the sperm making it live longer to fertilize the ovaries and form the foetus.

With this every sperm your husband is releasing inside you will become extra fertile enough to form a baby NO NEED FOR IVF SO STOP WASTING YOUR MONEY

Increases Your Ovulation And Boosts Your Overall Fertility By Improving Your Chances Of Conception In 2024.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package is also packed with Vitamin-D which is called “The Sunshine” vitamins which will help your body create the sex hormones which regulate ovulation and hormonal balance.

With this vitamins, the more you ovulate in a healthy way, the more your chances of getting pregnant with every sexual intercourse you have with your husband becomes very high.

Kills Infection That Causes Infertility From The Roots

Is infection preventing you from conceiving? Not worry because this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains natural herbs and oils that fights any form of infection like Chlamydia,  from the roots.

That means, its fights it to the last and they will never resurface again in the future.

Helps Repair Damaged & Ovaries Unblocks Fallopian Tube

Is infection preventing you from conceiving? Not worry because this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains natural herbs and oils that fights any form of infection like Chlamydia,  from the roots.

That means, its fights it to the last and they will never resurface again in the future.

Helps To Boost & Keep Your Husbands Sperm Alive For Several Days After Ejaculation.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package is packed with Sperm Booster Goji which will help  regulate the production of cervical mucus, which is important for conception, due to the importance of its ability to keep sperm alive for several days.

Improves The Thickness Of Your Uterus Preventing Premature Childbirth.

This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package contains Angelica Sinensis a powerful herb which will help improve the thickness of your uterus by 8mm preventing it from breaking and making you go through Premature Childbirth.

A study published by Fertility and Sterility in April, 2010, showed that Angelica Sinensis supplementation may aid fertility by increasing the thickness of the uterine lining in women with uterine linings of less than 8mm.

It is also important during gestation for the developing foetus and has been shown to help prevent premature rupture of the membranes (amniotic sac) in pregnancy.

Normalizes Irregular Menstrual Cycle & Eases Menstrual Pain

This Mega Fertility  contains Lepidium Sativum The phytochemicals present in aliv seeds are similar to the estrogen hormone that plays a vital role in the female body and helps normalize irregular menstrual cycles. The seeds are also beneficial to women who are trying to get pregnant as they can improve fertility

Increases Female Libido

This Mega Fertility   contains Aframomum Malegueta  works on women’s libido and make women senses more sensitive to the touch. Regulates lubrication. Increases sexual desire in less than 72 hours.”

46 Year Old Ugandan Lady Conceives Triplets After Following Dr. Firuzahs Complete Couple Treatment Extensive Plan

Helps In General Body Detoxification & Weightloss.

If being overweight or an infection is causing you not to be able to conceive, the Mega Fertility contains a detoxifying herb called Sena Alexandrina that helps with weight loss and getting rid of infections that cause infertility.

Fertility is a concern for many couples who want to become parents. Herbs can be of use in increasing the fertility of both men and women.

This  is made of these Organic and Wild-crafted best herbs for increasing fertility, which include Angelica, Tribulus, Red Clover, Siberian Ginseng, Maca, Wild Yam, Damiana, False Unicorn and Saw Palmetto. 

Mega Fertility a Booster  is a potent, safe, and fertility-enhancing.

It supports overall reproductive health and improves sexual health, by enhancing the vitality of men and women.

For women,

  • It encourages hormonal balance, ovarian function, egg quality and menstrual cycle regularly.
  • It also regulate fertility quality Cervical Mucus production and optimizes your chances of conceiving.
  • For men, it provides additional vitamins, antioxidants enhances male fertility and sexual vitality.
  • Helps to improves sperm count, motility and morphology.
    Mega Fertility Herbal Formula is a potent, safe, and fertility-enhancing. It supports overall reproductive health and improves sexual health, by enhancing the vitality of men and women.
  • This is made of these Organic and Wild-crafted best herbs for increasing fertility, which include Angelica, Tribulus, Red Clover, Siberian Ginseng, Maca, Wild Yam, Damiana, False Unicorn and Saw Palmetto. 

Also We Know That Infertility Is Not Only From The Woman That Is Why We Have A Special Treatment For Men.
A man can never impregnate his wife if he suffers from lack of libido. He can never impregnate his wife if he suffers from erectile dysfunction and that is why this solution is available...

Allow Me Introduce You To....

Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix For Men

Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix is fortified “Herbal Reproductive Stimulants” that can boost your libido making you want to have sex with your wife as often as possible for conception to take place. It also helps men perform better in bed. It helps the manhood stand strong enough to penetrate a woman and impregnate her fast.

Increases Your Libido Putting Your Body In The Mood For Explosive Sex So You Can Have Sex With Your Wife Till She Conceives A Baby.

To be able to get a woman pregnant, you have to have consistent sex with her without condoms, and to do this consistently, you have to put your body in the mood for sex every time. This is where Stallion Manpower Booster mix can help. It would make sure you are always horny so that having sex with your wife will no longer be like work but something you really want to do.

Herb That Gives You Hard Erections Especially for Men Above The Age Of 40

As a man ages, so does his reproductive system ages. With this you will discover that above age 40, you cannot hold a solid erection that will help you have satisfying sex with your wife like you used to before. Now instead of taking toxic chemicals that can give you cardiac arrest, Stallion Manpower has Cinnamon herbs that will stimulate blood flow to your penis giving you solid erections for an extended period of time.

Combats Premature Ejaculation Helping You Be Able To Have Satisfactory Sex That Leads To Conception.

This Man Went 3 Rounds Of Sex After Using Stallion Manpower

Many people think Stallion Manpower dos not work but this is a full proof that Stallion Manpower works like crazy.

This man here came to me saying that his penis refused to stand when it was time for sex and he would end up promising and failing madam.

This made her always find fault in everything he was doing..Every day was fighting. I encouraged him to use Stallion Manpower and he went for it. He came back excited about how it worked.

He went through 3 rounds of sex until madam asked him to stop. All these are because of using Stallion Manpower.

It is very hard to convince people to do a video testimonial but this man was willing to recommend this product to other men by showing his face and saying how well it worked. If it did not work for him, he would have not done it.

If you have not gotten stallion Manpower you are the only one that is left o…Stallion Manpower works.

As A Man You Can Never Get A Woman Pregnant If You Suffer From Low Sperm Count, Watery Sperm, Azospermia and Oligospermia. A Healthy Sperm Is Very Necessary To Get A Woman Pregnant and that is why this treatment is recommended...

Allow Me Introduce You To....

Mega Sperm Booster...

Strictly For Men Who Desperately Want To Have A Child (A heir) Of Their Own

Which Of These Male Fertility Problems Have You Been Battling With?


  • Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)
  • Dead sperm cell/zero sperm cell (Azoospermia)
  • Low sperm Motility 
  • Abnormal sperm (Morphology issues)
  • Varicocele; the swelling of the veins that drain the testicle and cause male infertility.
  • Chronic infections that interfere with sperm health, or cause scarring that blocks the passage of sperm.
  • Ejaculation issues and struggles with achieving a hard on.
  • Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) and other hormonal problems that have been proven to cause male infertility.
  • Defects of the tubules that transport sperm.
  • Problem with maintaining a hard rod.

If any of the above symptoms describes you, I want to let you know that there is hope for you. Yes, there is hope because what I am about to reveal to you within the next 5 minutes has helped many men with far worse situations than you become fertile again, giving birth to their own child.


Below is a whatsapp screenshot of testimonials from men who were formerly written off but are now getting their wives pregnant after using this treatment…

46 Year Old Ugandan Lady Conceives Triplets After Following Dr. Firuzahs Complete Couple Treatment Extensive Plan
Dr. Firuzah Helps Written Off Couple Conceive Triplets After Using Her Treatment Plan
49 Years Old Australian Business Woman Gives Birth To Bouncing Baby Boy With Dr.Firuzahs Recommendation Even Though She Was Formerly Tagged 'Unexplained Infertility"
Ghanian Woman Gives Birth To A Baby Girl After Using Dr. Firuzahs 6 Month Extensive Treatment

Introducing Mega Sperm Booster Sexual Enhancement & Fertility Support For Men.

Permanent treatment for Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia): This is the most common cause of men being unable to conceive and give birth to children. Combining this treatment will boost your sperm count from zero to 10 million in weeks making your sperm hyper fertile enough that just a drop will fertilize your woman and lead to pregnancy.


Terminates Azoospermia Making Your Body Produce Thick & Fertile Sperm: When a man suffers azoospermia, his ejaculation will be watery but when you take Stallion Manpower & Mega Sperm Booster treatment, you will experience a surge in sperm production, making you want to have regular se with your woman. This will lead to faster pregnancy.


Kills Infection That Causes Unhealthy Sperm: Untreated infections will kill the power of your sperm making it watery or even lead to your body producing less sperm or scarring. Mega Sperm Booster contains infection killing agents that most English medicine cannot terminate. Most infections are resistant to English medicine but Mega Sperm Booster contains infection fighting agents that uproots infections from the roots.


Mega Sperm Booster Will Boost Your Sperms Motility Rate: Low sperm motility is when your sperm cannot swim fast and far enough to fertilize the egg before dying off. With the usage of Mega Sperm Booster, your body will produce healthy sperm that has the ability to swim to the ovaries and fertilize your woman’s ovaries leading to the conception of a baby.

Treats & Alleviate Symptoms Of Varicocele: Mega Sperm Booster is a powerful supplement designed to enhance male fertility and address specific conditions such as varicocele. Varicocele is a medical condition characterized by enlarged veins within the scrotum that can affect sperm production and quality.

The key herb present in Mega Sperm Booster is known for its potential to alleviate the symptoms of varicocele. By promoting healthy blood circulation and reducing the pressure on the affected veins, this herb helps to improve testicular function and sperm production. As a result, it increases the chances of achieving pregnancy.

Regular use of Mega Sperm Booster can have several beneficial effects on male fertility. It not only improves sperm count but also enhances sperm motility and morphology, which are crucial factors for successful conception. Additionally, the supplement supports overall reproductive health by providing essential nutrients and antioxidants that protect sperm from oxidative damage.

Corrects Abnormal Sperm & Morphology Issues In Men: Mega Sperm Booster is a specialized supplement designed to address morphology issues in men, which can have a significant impact on fertility and the ability to conceive. Morphology refers to the size, shape, and structure of sperm, and abnormalities in morphology can hinder successful fertilization.

The specific herb found in Mega Sperm Booster has properties that promote optimal sperm morphology. It works by providing the necessary nutrients and antioxidants that support the development of healthy sperm cells. By improving the structure and shape of sperm, the supplement increases the chances of successful fertilization and pregnancy.

Regular use of Mega Sperm Booster can help correct morphology issues by enhancing the overall quality of sperm. This includes improving the shape and structure of sperm cells, as well as increasing their motility and viability. These improvements contribute to higher fertilization rates and increase the likelihood of successful conception.

All These Without Side Effects As Far As You Don’t Take It On An Empty Stomach- You Are Advised To Eat Well Before Taking It.

The ingredients in Mega Sperm Booster are 100% natural and do not have adverse side effects as long as you follow the prescription. 


Do not take this treatment on an empty stomach while eating as it might cause headache. Once you eat before you take it, it works better and faster without any side effects.

I know you will be asking about the price of this treatment but before the price is revealed, let me give you a guarantee…

80% Of Men Who Used The Full Complete Special Package Of Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix & Mega Sperm Booster Have Always Called Us Back To Confirm That Their Wives Have Taken In

See Amazing Testimonials From People Who Have Used This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” That Will Prepare Your Body For Conception & Make You Get Pregnant In 2024.

I Have Not Even Finished Mega Fertility & I Am Already Pregnant.

Mrs. Martha Johnson

Reviewed in the Ghana on May 13, 2020

Verified Purchase

My partner and I have been trying to conceive for over a year. We even went to a fertility specialist and participated in multiple medications monitored cycles, spent THOUSANDS of dollars, only to be heartbroken and disappointed (and quite financial tapped). 

We decided to take a break from another round of treatment to reconsider our options.

I wasn’t giving up hope, so I began doing my research on herbal options and asking my friends with children about their (in)fertility experiences. One of my dear friends called me immediately, she SWORE by this product, and touted that she was pregnant before she finished the first complete package.

A little too good to believe, in my opinion, but the price was reasonable and I figured I could just add it to the prenatal vitamins I was already taking, so I did the “subscribe and save” and didn’t think much of it. Matter of fact, I completely forgot about it after the first bottle arrived, and didn’t start actually taking them until a week later.

I added them to my prenatal routine, at this point, just hoping I could regulate my cycle a little to make it easier to chart ovulation. Well…. My next period never showed up, despite all the usual signs of PMS, a week went by so I took a pregnancy test…. Positive.😁

I can’t guarantee you’ll conceive from taking this supplement, but I CAN tell you there are now 2 different women I know personally that are now planning to have two beautiful children because of this product.

And it happened practically overnight, for both of us.

I highly recommend trying this supplement if you are struggling with irregular cycles and/or infertility. It’s changed my life.

Oh my God, we made a baby!!!

I Am 12 Weeks Pregnant.

Reviewed in Ghana on February 13, 2020

Mrs. Abina

Verified Purchase

Hello Dr.Farizah. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me. I am 44yrs old, and have suffered with endometriosis and PCOS since I was young.

2 laparoscopic surgeries and a year of hormone injections later, I was told not to expect to be able to get pregnant naturally. We did by surprise last November, but lost the pregnancy by mid January. 

We decided to start intentionally trying, and by July I was getting discouraged and heartbroken again. Taking to the Internet to start researching some of my weird symptoms, theories and solutions about my body, I landed on this Mega Fertility. After reading reviews for a half hour, I decided I had nothing to lose and ordered it! It arrived just a few days before “peak day” and I started taking it immediately and religiously, but was disappointed to see my next period still arrive, yet stayed hopeful bc I noticed that period was much better and I felt a bit different in other ways as well.. I finished that bottle and started taking the capsules.. less than a week into taking the capsules… I got my POSITIVE I’d been praying for!!!! We are now 12 weeks pregnant!!!

Thank you sir. God will bless you, we want to show appreciation to you, please send your account number. Thank you.


I Got Pregnant After 5 Years

Mrs. Nancy Jones

Reviewed in the Ghana on September 3, 2019

Verified Purchase

So happy I started taking this Mega Fertility in October after trying to conceive for over 5 years. Today I took pregnancy test and I am happy to share we are pregnant. God is good.

At 48, I Can Feel My Baby Growing Inside Of Me.

Mrs. Mawusi

Reviewed in Ghana on February 13, 2020

Verified Purchase

God is a faithful God.

Sometimes I sit down and watch my baby growing inside of me.

If someone had told me I would be experiencing this 3 years ago, I would have laughed like Sarah in the Bible.

In fact my story is just like her.

I had gone to Shiloh several times, shedding secret tears to God for just one thing….I child of my own.

I prayed to God to take away the shame of Barreness from me.

This was my heart’s desire. At age 48, I was overwhelmed. I wondered if I would ever carry a child of my own.

But I never lost hope. I asked God to show me the right solution that will help and as I was browsing on Facebook one day, I stumbled on Mega Fertility.

I saw the treatment and saw the marvelous reviews and the Holy Spirit told me to go for it.

I am glad I listened.

I am glad that I took the step.

I took the treatment religiously for 3 months. I started in January 2021 and in the 3rd month which was March, my miracle came.

God did it for me. My baby is grew perfectly and in 2022, I have a baby girl.

I took this picture as a way of remembering what God had done for me.

Mega Fertility works and I’m encouraging you to go for it.

I Finally Have The Baby Of My Dreams After Using Mega Fertility Treatment

Promise Victoria

Reviewed in the Ghana on September 3, 2019

Verified Purchase

Never written a review for a product before, but I just had to say that I’ve struggled with PCOS for 7 years now and this Mega Fertility Complete Special package incredibly and finally helped me ovulate to conceive.

I did my research and took these consistently for 30 days straight And around 14 days after taking this I got pregnant!!! I couldn’t believe it happened so fast…Started in March of 2020, ovulated around the 5th or 6th of April 2020, and pregnancy confirmed by May.

I was really scared about a miscarriage, since I’m at risk for one, so I went ahead and took them for my first trimester to play it safe, (as recommended in the bonus eBook)  I followed the instructions that has more vitamins in it, and ended with a really healthy, full term 39 week pregnancy with no complications all the way through even after labor as a first time mom! Even though I am over 200lbs+ and almost 30.

I now have a beautifully happy, healthy 18 week old baby girl (as pictured with Daddy) and I really owe it to this Mega Fertility Complete Special package

Wanted to wait it out since many reviewers mentioned getting pregnant but idk what happened afterwards…but It gave me a great start. I understand the skepticism and being tired of disappointments, but struggling with PCOS is hard and getting pregnant with it is even more difficult.

So anyone with a hormonal or ovarian egg problem please check this out. At least try it because it worked wonders for me!

It Works, I Am 6 Months Pregnant

Mrs. Suzan Grace

Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2019

Verified Purchase

They worked for me! Mega Fertility Worked for me. I’m halfway to a baby! I had Fallopian Tube Blockage and haven’t been able to get pregnant in 7 years. I took this Mega Fertility and got pregnant the first month. It’s definitely worth a shot.

One Of Our Customers Have Gotten Pregnant

Mrs. Abla

Reviewed in the Ghana on September 3, 2019

Verified Purchase

We are Mega Fertility are very happy. We just received a message from one of our customers who bought Mega Fertility Complete Special Package 6 months ago. Her husband bought for both the male and female package. They bought it after they had tried a whole lot of treatments that never worked. In fact for the wife to convince the husband to buy was “thug of war”. It wasn’t his fault though, he had spent a whole lot of money and didn’t see results. When he was introduced to Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus he doubted but his wife urged him to give the treatment the benefit of the doubt.

3 months later, while still using the treatment, she called our customer care complaining of feeling feverish and vomiting every morning. She asked if it was a side effect of the treatment.

Since we having been selling, no one had ever called complaining of vomiting because of the treatment, so it was strange.

We urged her to go to the doctor for test to know what is happening, because she said the vomiting has been consistent every morning. Long story short, she went to the doctor and she has been confirmed 5 weeks pregnant. This is after 14 years of waiting. To God be all the glory. If you are in doubt, above is a picture proof.

I Can Beat My Chest That Mega Fertility Work

Mrs. Osei

Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2019

Verified Purchase

Sometimes I cannot still believe that my bundle of joy which I have been praying is now here.

God never disappoints and I am grateful for Mega Fertility that has wiped away my tears.

As a married couple we struggled for 10 years to conceive. Sometimes it felt like all hope was lost and God had forgotten us.

We were introduced to Mega fertility and used it consistently like our lives depended on it and today our testimony is here.

This treatment works, I can beat my chest by recommending it to my friends that have the same issue.

God Has Finally Used Mega Fertility To Settle Me

Mrs. Jane

Reviewed in the Ghana on July 12, 2020

Verified Purchase

God has finally used ‘Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” to settle me. You will not understand how I feel right now. Sometimes I always asked myself i I would eer hear the cres of my baby. I was frustrated, I was tired, I was drained but I kept hop alive. i was introduced to this treatment by my sister. I had tried a lot of things that never worked, but since this treatment was cheaper, I decided to give it a try. It worked for me. I thank God. This picture was taken 30 minutes after I put to bed without any complications even though doctors said it won’t be possible. I give God the glory, and I say thanks to the seller of “Mega Fertility”

My Wife Has Given Me A Baby Boy After 13 Years.

Mrs. Yaw

Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2019

Verified Purchase

Mega Fertility is the best. My wife just gave me a baby boy after 13 years. We saw so many adversities but today we are more than conquerors. I recommend to every one looking for this type of breakthrough. Please by all means, try it out. You won’t regret.

13 Years of Barrenness Wiped Off!!!

Reviewed in the Ghana on March 11, 2018

Verified Purchase

Dear Mother & Father Of Many Nations. Allow me tell you a short story about a relative of mine who had been barren for 13 years. This couple got married when I was a teenager.

When they got married, we were all happy for them, expecting babies in the next 9 months. They were so young and vibrant and the wedding back then was the talk of the town. My grandma was so happy that her last daughter was getting married and was expecting children from the young couple but years went by, yet no children.

 5 years, 7 years, 10 years. No single child.

In the year 2014, grandma died without seeing her last daughter give birth to a grandchild.

It was sorrowful. Mama had been very hopeful.

I can remember how the couple stood by the coffin of mama and burst into tears. Mama had been expecting a grandchild, praying every year but they disappointed her even though it was not their fault.

They cried so heavily that day, on seeing them, I vowed that I would do everything in my power to help them give birth to children that would make mama smile in heaven.

This was how my journey started. I took it upon myself to search and research for a solution no matter how far it took me.

It was not easy but I was determined.

In my yearly vacation, I flew to the U.S.A and the first place I went too but a herbal doctor who specialized in recommending herbal solutions for people with several ailments.

I went and began to narrate the story of this couple who for 13 years had been unable to give birth.

On hearing my story and seeing how honest my heart was in seeing this couple become parents, he decided to help.

He recommended the “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” for both the female  All herbal, no yeye chemicals.

One thing he said was “ Tell them to use this treatment consistently like their lives depend on it”

He told me how effective and powerful this treatment is and how it was helping couples in the U.S.A solve every stubborn infertility issue and start giving birth to children.

On hearing this, I bought the treatment with my own money.

 It was quite expensive but I did not care. I wanted a solution for my relatives and I was doing it so that mama in heaven can smile.

Her last words to me was “Always help your brothers and sisters”.

I rushed home and gave it to the couple to start using. I told them exactly what the herbal doctor said “use it consistently”

And they obeyed.

Dear reader, within 90 days of usage, my aunty that they said would never be able to carry a child in her womb had taken in and started vomiting up and down due to morning sickness.

The man that they said had low sperm count was now able to impregnate his wife.

1 year later. They are parents. 

Hmm…don’t joke with it, as it is the perfect formula for totally curing male and female infertility from the roots. Other medications just deal with the symptoms but Mega Fertility Complete Special Package uproots the tree of infertility making it die from the roots.

I never regret recommending it because it works and my aunty is a proof

Please Read & Buy!

Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2019

Verified Purchase

Words cannot describe the way I felt when I took this picture. God made me laugh in the presence of my mockers and shamers. I was the woman they called barren. I was the woman they laughed at, I was the woman that doctors had written off.

In Fact, I was the woman who almost committed suicide 3 times due to the shame of childlessness. This was my case until my friend introduced me to this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”. Believe you me, my husband and I tried many thing that never worked, we spent at least N1,500,000 because I wanted to give birth yet nothing happened until I used this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”

Today story has changed. My suggestion to every man or woman reading this, don’t doubt it, don’t allow your past failures with conception and childbirth prevent you from receiving your breakthrough.

I can put my name on this that if you use this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”

 you will smile like me at the end. God blessed me with Triplets for all my wasted years.


Finally Got Pregnant After 1 Miscarriage & Six Failed IVF Treatments.

I got married in the year 1998, I got pregnant immediately but lost the baby at childbirth.

Ever since then I tried at least 6 IVF treatments in order to get pregnant again but they all failed woefully. The journey cannot be explained, my husband and I traveled far and near. We climbed mountains just to see prophets to help solve this issue of infertility.

I had encounters with fake and real pastors but to God be the Glory, God used Mrs. Adetope to introduce me to this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” and I took it for 3 solid months, consistently.

To cut the long story short, I am blessed with a baby girl after almost 20 years of struggling. I give God the glory and thank you Mrs. Adetope. I am forever indebted to you.


God has finally used ‘Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” to settle me. You will not understand how I feel right now. Sometimes I always asked myself i I would eer hear the cres of my baby. I was frustrated, I was tired, I was drained but I kept hop alive. i was introduced to this treatment by my sister. I had tried a lot of things that never worked, but since this treatment was cheaper, I decided to give it a try. It worked for me. I thank God. This picture was taken 30 minutes after I put to bed without any complications even though doctors said it won’t be possible. I give God the glory, and I say thanks to the seller of “Mega Fertility”


Praise the lord for me. I am a verified user of Mega Fertility Treatment. I had hormonal imbalance and Fibroid together. Spent a total of N4,000,000 on treatments and surgeries but the Fibroid kept coming back. I was frustrated till I used Mega Fertility Complete Special Package. Today Fibroid, has turned to fine boy. All I have to say Is thank your lord.


Words cannot describe the way I felt when I took this picture. God made me laugh in the presence of my mockers and shamers. I was the woman they called barren. I was the woman they laughed at, I was the woman that doctors had written off.

In Fact, I was the woman who almost committed suicide 3 times due to the shame of childlessness. This was my case until my friend introduced me to this“Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”. Believe you me, my husband and I tried many thing that never worked, we spent at least N1,500,000 because I wanted to give birth yet nothing happened until I used this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”

Today story has changed. My suggestion to every man or woman reading this, don’t doubt it, don’t allow your past failures with conception and childbirth prevent you from receiving your breakthrough.

I can put my name on this that if you use this “Mega Fertility Complete Special Package”

 you will smile like me at the end. God blessed me with Triplets for all my wasted years.

Mega Fertility is the best. My wife just gave me a baby boy after 13 years. We saw so many adversities but today we are more than conquerors. I recommend to every one looking for this type of breakthrough. Please by all means, try it out. You won’t regret.

Mega Fertility Mis is very effective. I recommend and I give it 5-star. Please try it out, and I assuer you that you will see results. You too will share yout testimony.

How Can This Treatment Be Gotten By People Outside Of India?

We’ve tried distributing “Mega Fertility Complete Male & Female Treatment” through major pharmaceutical outlets and health distributors for a while,

across a few European and African countries…

However, we decided to break the contracts for the supply of “Mega Fertility Complete Male & Female Treatment”  to stores because they started to sell this treatment with an over 500% increase in price!

This is not the legacy I intend to leave… “Discovering a cure that only the rich and powerful can afford”

Healthcare should not be exclusive to a certain financial class.

That is why we have broken the contract with all those companies.

Instead of waging a futile war against those who inflate the price to ridiculous amounts…

Our team came up with an ingenious idea to only distribute via online sale so as to ensure that our users not only get favorable prices but get it delivered to their door step.


How Does The Online Sale Work?

Basically depending on your country, this interview will be transcribed to your local languages and official prices will be displayed in the local currency.

Now to save users the long waiting time in shipping from India to their respective countries,

We have partnered with our sole distributor currently which is Mega Life Global Solutions , which has presence in over 36 countries of the world…

And shipped this treatment directly to their store front.

So you can be rest assured that as long as this interview displays in you local language and the price in your local currency,

This treatment will be available for delivery within 24-48hours.


Amazing! So This Part We Have Confirmed… But For The Sake Of Concerned Readers, Could You Let Them Know What Medical Certification This Treatment Possesses?

Most definitely…

This treatment is classified Safe for Consumption and holds 4 world recognised certification from…


Time Waits For No Man, The More You Doubt, The More Other Couples Are Rushing To Get Their Own Testimonies. Mind You, You Cannot Buy Biological Children From The Market. The Older You Get The Lower The Chances Of You Being Able To Conceive So Why Not Make The Decision Now, Instead Of You Procrastinating & Awaiting For Tomorrow Which Might Be Too Late

The Complete Dosage F Female Is 3 Bottles Of Mega Fertility Fertility Booster Herbal Mix

As you can see, these are regular couples like you and I who decided to take  they wanted

Give this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus a chance by trying it out. Trust me they tried everything possible, from visiting Pastors, Imams and some even visited Babalawo for a solution yet they found non until this Fertility Complete Special Package helped them become joyful mothers and fathers of children.

There are so many testimonies I would have posted here but I won’t due to time.

What Would It Take To Get This Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” That Will Prepare Your Body For Conception & Make You Get Pregnant In 2024.

I can’t begin to tell you how many couples spent over N1,500,000 for IVF went down the drain because the procedure didnt work.

Due to many companies promising heaven on earth on something that didn’t even give any result.

Mega Fertility Complete Special package is cheap when compared to the amount that many couples are spending on fertility treatments and procedure that don’t work. The average cost of IVF in Ghana is N1,400,000

But With This Fertility Complete Special Package” That Will Prepare Your Body For Conception & Make You Get Pregnant In 2024, You Don't Need To Spend That Much To Conceive & Give birth.

I’ve been there and I know how it feels.

Please note that I’m only passionate about recommending this new remedy that worked for me and several other Ghana couples that I know because I know it is not easy to deal with the emotional pain of infertility every day.

I know that it can destroy a marriage if not taken care of.

Using Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus  will change your story positively.

-You will get to experience the miracle of carrying a child in your womb for 9 months even if doctors and specialists say its impossible.

-The tension, fear, and pressure you feel in your marriage as a couple will stop by the time your bundle of joy arrives and you are sharing your testimony with us and in your church.

-Constant spending on infertility treatments will be finally over so you can concentrate on raising your child. 

-You’ll become the envy and a source of hope and faith for other couples that are praying to God for the fruit of the womb.

Think about this and ask yourself what will be the fair price to get this all very powerful Mega Fertility Complete Special Package?

I pleaded with the company to reduce the price for us in Ghana, but he was very adamant because he said the ingredients are very scarce. 

After much back and forth with a lot of begging, He decided to send 180 bottles of this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package  for just 45 people at a discounted price. 

14 people have bought the complete combo already, so they have just 31 orders left. 

If you want to be part of the next set of lucky couples to conceive in 2024, I want to send you Mega Fertility.

The price is just N24500 for Mega Fertility special package  for Swhich includes free shipping to your house or office.

Right below this post you will see a whatsapp button that says “yes I want this treatment”.

Click on it, make your payment either by cash or transfer, send us a screen shot and tell us where exactly you want us to send this package to.


Now you know the Bible says faith without works is dead. It is not enough to believe that you will get pregnant in 2024 as a couple.

You also have to take the necessary actions that will make your faith of conceiving your own children in 2024 come to reality.

So here’s why you should enrol today, to prove to yourself, your family and God that you believe and are really serious about becoming a parent in 2024.

Take action now.

Sure you have a choice of procrastinating or ignoring this, but what will it get you?

Another year gone, yet no child of your own. Imagine old age coming and there’s no one to take care of you.

The more you procrastinate, the more you enter into irreversible menopause, at that stage no prophet will be able to save you because it’s just nature taking its cause.

The more you procrastinate, the more you put yourself at risk of losing your home to infertility. I pray this will not be your portion.

This treatment is for serious couples who want to conceive and see results in the year 2024 and also have the faith that it will work.



Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a bay girl if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a sceret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a girl naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive a baby girl fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.


Having a bbay boy can be a blessing to a new couple because you now have an heir and someone to carry the family name. Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a baby boy if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a secret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a boy naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive a baby girl fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.


Having a set of beautiful twins, either same gender or different gender can be source of joy for any couple. Most of the customers who used Mega Fertility Complete Special Package had twins. Do you know that there are she certain things you can do in order to conceive and give birth to a healthy set of twins if that is what you want? 

In this book, you will learn about a secret technique called the “Locozumi Method” which any couple can use to conceive a healthy set of twins  naturally without IVF or spending money.

This method comprises of diets, lifestyle and specific sex positions you can use to conceive twins fast. Its only available as a gift when you receive and pay for your order.


Now, I’m sure you will be asking yourself “What if I buy this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package plus  and it does not work? What if I don’t get pregnant? 

I understand how you feel, in fact, I felt the same way too the day this product was introduced to me but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and today, I am enjoying my new baby boy. People now call me Iya-Ibeji and I have peace of mind.

My dear, you don’t need to be afraid. If you buy this Mega Fertility Complete Special Package and you do not see any results whatsoever, the sellers are willing to give you back your money 100% guaranteed.

They are so confident about the effectiveness of this solution and they also offered me 100% money back guarantee too. They will refund it to you, even though you have used the product.

But This Will Not Last Forever.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Yesterday I contacted the seller to tell him that I want to do a testimonial write-up for him, and he informed me that there are just 32 pieces remaining because last week, tey had over 2000 orders


So at the time of this writing, we have just 32 pieces remaining. 


Every minute you delay may mean another serious *FATHER AND MOTHER TO-BE* is picking your own…


I wouldn’t want to tell you to hurry, but if you need the cry of a baby in your house this year 2024, then you should have already placed the order by now

I know you want to see your baby bump and feel your baby kicking inside of you within now and the ending of this year. Therefore if you are that man or woman I am talking about, MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION TODAY1


What if all these men and women never took action when they saw this 3 in 1 Mega Fertility Complete Special Package For Women + 3 in 1 Stallion Manpower Herbal Mix + 3 In 1 Mega Sperm Booster Package.

Maybe by now, they would have entered old age without a child.

Maybe the marriage would have crashed due to childlessness.

Maybe those couples would have been a laughing stock, as woman they would tag them barren and as men they would have called them impotent. Of course they won’t tell you this to your face but anytime they see you, that is the first thing they will tag you with in their mind “the couple that never gave birth to children after all these years”…the man that can’t get his wife pregnant or the wife that cannot conceive.

…..but I thank God they took action and today they are parents of twins and triplets. Nothing gives a mother joy than seeing the smile of her newborn while breastfeeding.

These couples are  blessed and I am sure this will be your portion.

So far, over 500 Nigerian couples have called us to testify that this herbal treatment works. Today they are with their baby boys, baby girl and even twins, because the treatment gave them a lasting solution.

If it can work for over 500  couples, then your own case shouldn’t be different.

Your condition might not even be worse like theirs.

Don’t let 2024 end without you as a woman, carrying your own pregnancy, or you as a man, seeing your wife get pregnant with your baby.

The earlier the better, before time passes and it’s too late to get children.

May that not be your portion.



complete COMBO EXTENSIVE TREATMENT (for couple with longstanding infertility issue)



promo price:

3000 Cedis


16,000 ksh

Normal PRICE =4000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male & female treatment

3 bottles of mega fertility herbal mix PLUS 3 BOTTLES OF STALLION MANPOWER

promo price:

1500 Cedis


10,000 ksh

Normal PRICE =3000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete female treatment

3 bottles of mega fertility herbal mix

promo price:

800 Cedis


7,000 ksh

Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male treatment

3 bottles of Stallion Manpower herbal mix

promo price:

800 Cedis


7,000 ksh

Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male treatment for mega sperm booster

3 bottles of mega sperm booster

promo price:

800 Cedis


7,000 ksh

Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping



Delivery Time: 1-3 Working Days 

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