What My Husband & I Did To Conceive Triplets When We Didn't Have A Child Of My Own After 15 Years Of Marriage

In this post, I am about to share the exact steps I and my husband took that moved us from 15 years without any issue in Marriage to giving birth to triplets at once.

Recently I have been getting a whole lot of questions from couples who are believing in God for the fruit of the womb…..

Knowing that my husband and I were once childless for over 15 years and suddenly we now have triplets at once.

They all want to know what exactly we did to achieve that result and I am very happy to share.

It all started when we got married in the year 2005.

When we got married, we were all happy, expecting babies in the next 9 months. We were so young and vibrant and the wedding back then was the talk of the town.

My mother was so happy that her last daughter was getting married and was expecting children from us as a couple  but years went by, yet no children.

 5 years, 7 years, 10 years. No single child.

In the year 2014 ,my mother died without seeing her last daughter give birth to a grandchild.

It was sorrowful because my mother had  been very hopeful.

I can remember standing by the coffin of mama and burst into tears. Mama had been expecting a grandchild, praying every year but we disappointed her even though it was not our fault.

As a couple we cried so heavily that day, on seeing mama being laid to rest, I vowed that I would do everything in my power to give birth to children that would make mama smile in heaven.

This was how my journey started. I took it upon myself to search and research for a solution no matter how far it took me.

It was not easy but I was determined.

This led me to trying a whole lot of treatment and therapies that never worked. I was always doing 30 days of fasting and prayers, asking God for one thing.

To bless my husband and I with the fruit of the womb.

This was how time was going, money was being spent but yet no solution.

Until one day while I was scrolling through facebook and saw an advertisement for a product called “Mega Fertility Complete Herbal Mix(For women)” + Mega Sperm Booster (For men) + Stallion Manpower (for men)

3 in 1 Fertility Booster Package For Couples

At first I thought it was one of those treatments that flooded the online marketplace and I wanted to scroll past but something just said I should click and at least find out what they were saying.

When I visited the website I was amazed.

I began to read about couples who had come of age giving birth to their first child while they were in their 50s and even 60s.

It sounded so good to be true. I had only heard such testimonials as the work of God or like a rare miracle but seeing that most of these couples had confessed to using this herbal supplement, I became highly interested.

I immediately called their customer care and they were so kind to hear me out.

I poured out my heart of how I have been struggling to conceive for so many years yet nothing. I told them about the doctor’s diagnostics and all. According to the doctors I had a case of ovulation disorder, fibroid, endometriosis and a blocked fallopian tube.

The negative verdicts I had received from doctors had made me began to feel like I would never have children of my own.

My husband had a case of low quality and quantity of sperm.

On hearing my story and seeing how honest and passionate I was about having my own children, they decided to help me by recommending this product to me.

He recommended the “3 Bottles Of Mega Fertility Complete Special Package” for both the female and 3 bottles of  Mega Sperm Booster Package & Stallion Manpower for the male. All herbal, no yeye chemicals.

One thing he said was “ Use this treatment consistently like your  life  depends on it”

He told me how effective and powerful this treatment is and how it was helping couples in the Nigeria & Ghana and in the  U.S.A solve every stubborn infertility issue and start giving birth to children.

On hearing this, I bought the treatment with my own money. I spent N500,000

 It was quite expensive but I did not care. I wanted a solution for my issue and I was willing to do anything to get it.

I rushed home and gave my husband his own treatment and started using mine right away.

I made sure my husband and I took the treatment as prescribed, no missing days. We took it consistently and made sure we were also meeting each other at least 3-4 times per week.

Dear reader, within 90 days of usage, they said I would never be able to carry a child in my womb but I had started vomiting up and down due to morning sickness.

My skin color changed, my breasts become tender and round. My husband began to wonder what was wrong with me. He gave me money to go to the hospital and run a series of test.

On getting to the reception and meeting a nurse, the receptionist on seeing the way I was looking said “Madam take it easy with your pregnancy o”

I was like “pregnancy keh?”

I just laughed and said I came to run a malaria and typhoid test.

She laughed and said she doesn’t believe that was the issue. She immediately gave me a pregnancy test kit and ushered me to the bathroom to check.

I checked and within 20 minutes I tested positive for pregnancy but I was still in doubt and shock.

I bought another test kit and it still came out positive.

I can never forget that day. I even took pictures of the test kit and sent it to my husband.

Results from my pregnancy test in the bathroom at the hospital

I was overjoyed. I began to cry and praise God in the bathroom right where I was.

God had wiped away my tears. He had turned my sorrows into joy. 15 years of hopelessness, worry and pressure had finally ended with me being pregnant at 52.

The man that they said had low sperm count was now able to impregnate his wife.

1 year later we are parents of triplets at age 51. If you doubt, see their picture below.

For the naming ceremony, my husband slaughtered 2 massive cows just to celebrate. Sharing our testimony in church brought tears to the eyes of everyone that knew our background story.

Tears of joy and praises to the most high that used Mega Fertility to turn our story around was the order of the day.

I really give God thanks

Hmm…I don’t joke with recommending this treatment to couples who are struggling with fertility issues. Other medications just deal with the symptoms but Mega Fertility Complete Special Package uproots the tree of infertility making it die from the roots.

So far, over 5,000 Nigerian, Ghanaian and even couples in the USA have also testified that this herbal treatment works. Today they are with their baby boys, baby girl and even twins, because the treatment gave them a lasting solution. Look at the fantatistic reviews from couples who gave this product the benefit of the doubt and saw results below….


What Does This Mega Fertility Treatment Do?

  • It Corrects Hormonal Imbalance In Your Body Both For Male & Female That Might Prevent Pregnancy
  • Contains A Powerful Herb That Corrects Irregular Menstruation & Menstrual Disorders
  • Increases The Quality And Quantity Of Cervical Fluid for Conception
  • Helps Your Baby Grow Healthy Right From Conception So You Can Give Birth To A Baby Without Deformities Or Complications
  • Increases Your Ovulation And Boosts Your Overall Fertility By Improving Your Chances Of Conception In 2024.
  • Helps Repair Damaged & Ovaries Unblocks Fallopian Tube
  • Improves The Thickness Of Your Uterus Preventing Premature Childbirth.
  • Normalizes Irregular Menstrual Cycle & Eases Menstrual Pain
  • Increases Female Libido
  • Helps In General Body Detoxification & Weightloss.

What Does This Mega Sperm Booster Do?

  • Permanent treatment for Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)
  • Terminates Azoospermia Making Your Body Produce Thick & Fertile Sperm
  • Kills Infection That Causes Unhealthy Sperm:
  • Mega Sperm Booster Will Boost Your Sperms Motility Rate:
  • Treats & Alleviate Symptoms Of Varicocele:

What Does This Stallion Manpower Do?

  • Increases Your Libido Putting Your Body In The Mood For Explosive Sex So You Can Have Sex With Your Wife Till She Conceives A Baby.

  • Herb That Gives You Hard Erections Especially for Men Above The Age Of 40
  • Combats Premature Ejaculation Helping You Be Able To Have Satisfactory Sex That Leads To Conception.

All These Without Side Effects As Far As You Don’t Take It On An Empty Stomach- You Are Advised To Eat Well Before Taking It.

Look At The Positive Response We Get On Whatsapp From Customers Who Have Used This Treatment

49 Years Old Australian Business Woman Gives Birth To Bouncing Baby Boy With Dr.Firuzahs Recommendation Even Though She Was Formerly Tagged 'Unexplained Infertility"
Ghanian Woman Gives Birth To A Baby Girl After Using Dr. Firuzahs 6 Month Extensive Treatment
46 Year Old Ugandan Lady Conceives Triplets After Following Dr. Firuzahs Complete Couple Treatment Extensive Plan
Dr. Firuzah Helps Written Off Couple Conceive Triplets After Using Her Treatment Plan

If it can help over 700 women conceive and give birth to children in 2024, then your own case shouldn’t be different.

Your condition might not even be worse like theirs.

You know the bible says “My people suffer from lack of knowledge. Many couples today are simply wasting time and resources because they do not know the exact treatment to take that would give them the results they are looking for.

That Is why I decided to open up by giving this personal review of the treatment so that other couples won’t have to waste time and money trying to have children of their own.

Now this treatment is not free but I can assure you that I can help you get it at a very subsidised price.

Remember I told you that I bought both the male and female treatment for me and my husband for N500,000

Yes that is how much this cost on a normal day

But something just happened. I just saw a special promo discount on their website where you can get both the complete couple package for just N130,000 instead of N500,000.

Their online platform is running an end of  year promo discount that would last from now till the end of this week.

So if you know that 2024 is the year that you want to hear the cry of your own God given children in your house, and you know that you can afford to get this treatment at this exact discounted price, simply fill the form below to order for the treatment.

Please I beg of you, don’t allow 2024 to pass AGAIN without you carrying your own child in your womb. Make haste while the sun is still shining.

Time waits for no man.

Also You Will Get 2 Free Gifts Worth N30,000 When You Order For The Complete Dosage.

FREE GIFT 1 - Pregnancy Miracle Fertility Booster Smoothie Guide - Worth N30,000

Dr. Farizah Parikh a renowned Indian Fertility Specialist put together a guide called “𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝘆 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗺𝗼𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗲 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲”.. This guide will show you easy to make fertility booster smoothie recipes for every fertility complication you might be experiencing. 


There are foods you should be running away from as a couple trying to conceive and at the same time there are some foods and vegetables you should be eating every single day if you want to conceive in 2024.


That’s why Dr.Farizah Parikh and Indian fertility expert with over 20 years of experience in helping couples conceive and give birth to children has put together a guide called “Pregnancy Miracle Fertility Booster Smoothie Guide”. 


This guide contains a list of smoothies for every infertility complications you can think of.


Do you have fibroid? There’s a smoothie that can shrink it.


Do you have hormonal imbalance? There’s a smoothie that can correct it

Do you have Fallopian tube blockage? There’s a smoothie that can unblock it.

Do you have PCOs or ovarian cysts and are you over weight? There’s a smoothie recipe that can take care of it.

Even as a man, do you have low Sperm count, Azospermia, or Oligospermia? If yes, there’s a smoothie that can make your Sperm so fertile that one drop of your sperm inside your woman will get her pregnant.


All these smoothie recipes are inside the “Pregnancy Miracle Fertility Booster Smoothie Guide”.


It works like wildfire, by the time you start taking these smoothies, you yourself will be noticing changes in your body and you will become addicted to nourishing your body with smoothies.


Each and every ingredients in the smoothie guide are available in your local market and they are affordable.


Normally this guide goes for N25,000 but because I want to make sure you see amazing results, you will get this guide as a free gift once you order for any package of Mega Fertility treatment, Mega Sperm Booster or Stallion Manpower.


You will only get this guide if you order within today and 12 Midnight on Sunday. If you order from on Monday, you will no longer be entitled to this bonus.


So why miss out when you can get the full package. Why delay your breakthrough when you can start the journey of fertility today?

Time is running out, invest in this treatment. You need children to take care of you in old age. You need children to give you a strong sense of purpose in life.


Ignoring this treatment puts you at risk of ending this year again without a child of your own.


I don’t want you look back in the month of December with sadness to know that another year has passed without a child.


The pain of regret is real so take action now.


But this will not be available forever. Its Only available to people who get the complete couple package

FREE GIFT 2 - "The Igbo Ora Secret To Conceiving Twins Naturally Without IVF" - Worth N30,000

Have you waited for more than 10 years to have a child of your own yet no issue?


Do you want more than one child as full compensation for all the wasted years without children in your marriage?


Would you like to learn how to conceive a baby boy and a baby girl (TWINS) naturally without paying millions for IVF even though there is no family history of twins in your bloodline?


✅🔥❤️𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗧𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗨𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗼𝘇𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱!

I am sure that many of us believe that the only way we can conceive twins is if we have the twin genes that run in some families.

Some people also think that the only chance they have at conceiving twins is by IVF.

But what if I told you that any ordinary couple that does not have the twin gene running in their family or who don’t have big money for IVF can actually conceive and give birth to twins.

What if I told you that there is a Locozumi Method that any couple can implement to conceive twins.

Not only conceive twins, but you can also pick the sex of the child you want using this Locozumi Method.

It is so powerful that according to further research and history this method is used by the “Igbo Ora” people of Oyo state, Nigeria. This set of people have the highest number of twins in the world. If you google it, “Igbo Ora” is called the twin capital of the world.

They use this method to conceive twins at will without paying millions for IVF. All they do is eat some certain foods, live a certain Lifestyle, have sex at a particular point in time and in a particular way and BOOM ……they conceive twins.

After research to get all these details and compile it into an ebook. Then we tested it on couples who have never conceived for over 10 years and over 80% of them conceived twins like it was a miracle.

Imagine being mocked by people that you are infertile and can’t get a child of your own and then suddenly your wife conceives and gives birth to twins instantly.

This is what most of the couples we tested this on achieved and that is why we want you to have it, so you can benefit from the information that is hidden from the masses.

How Will You Claim Your Free Gifts?

To gain access to these wonderful and educative free gifts that can change the life and face of your family and bring joy to your home, all you have to do is fill the form below to place an order for the complete dosage of Mega Fertility Herbal Mix. Once you do that, join “Mega Fertility Whatsapp Group” where you can chat the admin and he will send the free gifts to you after you have successfully collected the supplement. Time waits for no one, the longer you procrastinate the more time is thicking. I trust you will make the right decision



complete COMBO eXTENSIVE tREATMENT (for couple with longstanding infertility issue)



promo price:

3000 Cedis


Normal PRICE =4000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male & female treatment

3 bottles of mega fertility herbal mix PLUS 3 BOTTLES OF STALLION MANPOWER

promo price:

1500 Cedis


Normal PRICE =3000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete female treatment

3 bottles of mega fertility herbal mix

promo price:

800 Cedis


Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male treatment

3 bottles of Stallion Manpower herbal mix

promo price:

800 Cedis


Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping

complete male treatment for mega sperm booster

3 bottles of mega sperm booster

promo price:

800 Cedis


Normal PRICE =1000 cedis

30 days money back guarantee

currently not found in stores

ORDER BEFORE (11:59pm) – Shipping




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